Friday 3 June 2022

Love Nutrient Jamu Selera Ramadhan Buffet Dinner @ Spoon Cafe, G Hotel Kelawai Penang.

The novel iconic edifice at Kelawai, a chic as well as elegant edifice- G Hotel Kelawai is taking on Ramadhan alongside panache, offering Ramadhan Buffet alongside a unique-distinctive flair. Unlike traditional-conventional Ramadhan Buffet, Spoon Cafe's comes alongside an Indonesian touch. The serving mode is somewhat unlike inward Spoon Cafe either- await no manic component inward the buffet describe of piece of occupation upwards every bit freshness is what they concerned. Servings maybe smaller than commons but rest-assured, they are committed to replenish the dishes fast. 

Jamu Selera Ramadhan Buffet Dinner:
eighteen June to sixteen July 2015.
6:30 pm to 10:30 pm
Rm 115 nett per adult.

Riang Raya Buffet Lunch:
17 July as well as eighteen July 2015.
11:30 pm to 2:30 pm.
Rm 92 nett per adult.

Riang Raya Buffet Dinner:
17 July as well as eighteen July 2015.
6:30 pm to 10:30 pm.
Rm 115 nett per adult. 

Many Thanks to G Hotel for hosting us that evening.

Kerabu Taugeh

Assorted Cheeses as well as condiments

Rustic Loaves

Kerabu Tembikai

Seafood On Ice- Scallops, Mussels as well as Shrimps

We started off alongside their appetizer describe of piece of occupation which consists of Kerabu Ayam as well as Taugeh. The Kerabu Ayam was jaw-dropping good, speckled alongside a generous sum of Chilies which gives a fair whack of heat. If you lot are non into spicy stuff, delve into Kangkung Sotong, Pasembur, Nasi Impit alongside Serunding Ayam. For those alongside unusual palate, the commons spread of Smoked Salmon, Chicken Ham, Greens as well as Seafood On Ice awaits you. 

Roasted Lamb

Bubur Lambuk

Daging Paprik Padang Besar

Sotong Berempah Kuala Perlis

Tofu Goreng Kacang Buncis & Udang

Kambing Masala

Kurma Telur

Ketam Bercili

Kailan Goreng Ikan Masin 

Deep Fried Fish Fillet

Items from the Grilled Station

Curries are must when it comes to Buka Puasa, await a arrive at of Curry dishes inward Spoon Cafe every bit well, though non quite extensive. Daging Paprika was great, I had it alongside to a greater extent than or less greens. The meat was slightly fossil oil inward texture but it did non actually thing every bit they were cutting to smaller pieces; the flavors packed a punch. Another notable dish would endure Sotong Berempah, non quite spicy though the Curry was every bit blood-red every bit a Cherry; the texture was but alright- slightly resilient but non difficult to the bite. Deep Fried Fish Fillet, however, was a piffling every bit good dry out as well as difficult to the bite. Other mains include Ikan Kurau Goreng Berlada Batu Gajah, Gulai Ayam Pantai Merdeka, Udang Goreng Sambal Petai etc

Swiss Roll

Red Velvet

Gelatomio Ice Cream 

Almond Tart


Black Rice Cheese Cake

Bread Butter Pudding

Sweet treats are mandatory to justify the occasion as well as nosotros were deeply amazed past times the character of the desserts. Bread Butter Pudding striking us alongside its evocative flavors, unbelievably soft as well as fluffy, adequately immerse inward Butter as well as Milk; the dessert exudes a warm as well as delightful milk-buttery flavor. The surface was beautifully caramelized to perfection either, adding marks to its physical appearance. The add-on of Vanilla sauce did non brand a huge difference; the pudding was skilful to become on its own. Equally lip-smacking was Black Rice Cheese Cake. The sweet-savory Cheese Cake has the quintessential cheesy element, well-enhanced past times the chewy Black Rice. The Black Rice barely registered whatsoever flavour but it does brand a huge deviation inward damage of texture. Waffle was keen but swallow it lest it turns into a slice of soggy pastry; nosotros recommend overstep it alongside a scoop of Vanilla Gelatomio Ice Cream. Other desserts that may maybe look are Sago Gula Melaka, Pengat Pisang, Bubur Kacang Hijau etc.

*Conclusion: The Buffet spread mightiness non endure every bit extensive every bit we'd expected but nosotros were real happy alongside the above-par nutrient quality.*

Additional Information:
Address: 2, Persiaran Maktab, 10250, Georgetown, Penang. 
Contact Number: 604- 219 0000

 G Hotel Kelawai is taking on Ramadhan alongside panache Love Food Jamu Selera Ramadhan Buffet Dinner @ Spoon Cafe, G Hotel Kelawai Penang.