Tuesday 28 June 2022

Love Nutrient Blackmores Retreat Military Camp @ The Lost Paradise Resort, Batu Ferringhi.

The world-renowned Australia-trusted health attention brand- Blackmores Malaysia, has successfully organized its first Two-Day-One-Night Blackmores Retreat Camp inward Penang over the weekend (18 together with nineteen Apr 2015). The aforementioned consequence was held at The Lost Paradise Resort, at Batu Ferringhi. With the triumphant start for organizing the Retreat Camp at Bukit Tinggi, Blackmores Malaysia continues to vantage the brand's loyal followers together with health-watchers to a Retreat Camp, to rejuvenate together with revitalize their bodies together with souls. It is planned inward such a agency that Blackmores Malaysia volition endure organizing the Retreat Camp on a yearly basis. If y'all must know, Rm 250 (excluding GST) for the 2 solar daytime 1 nighttime retreat camp.

For hereafter events, kindly follow Blackmores Malaysia's Facebook Page.

The highlights of the consequence were (but non limited to):

  • Workshop 1: Detox for Good Health (DIY Healthy Snacks together with Juices)
  • Workshop 2: Addressing pare issues (DIY Skin Care Remedies)
  • Workshop 3: Exercise for optimal health
  • Workshop 4: Boosting retentivity through natural remedies
  • Workshop 5: Massage away the stress using Essential Oils
Many Thanks to Blackmores Malaysia for extending the invitation.

A grouping photograph of the participants for Blackmores Retreat Camp 2015. 

The showtime workshop started with a quick self-introduction alongside the participants followed past times a brief introduction on Blackmores together with its fellowship background equally good equally a petty data on the founder. Ms. Alyssa Ng (Naturopath together with Health Educator) shared on the wide theme of detoxification- why should nosotros detox/ organs inward the torso that detoxify/ detoxifying foods together with herbs. Inevitably, detoxifying the torso seems to endure ane of the keys to growth metabolism together with eventually... weight loss. Liver is peculiarly crucial when it comes to detoxification together with it is interesting to know that Garlic together with Turmeric help inward liver cleansing.

Ms. Alyssa Ng together with then showed us the proper agency to juice the fruits. One of the tips from her, "Start with Apple or Orange together with y'all volition non larn wrong". Oranges, Carrots, a cube of Ginger were juiced for xv seconds; texture was coarse but she would similar to save the fibers of the fruit together with vegetables. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 combination of Fruit together with Vegetable seems to endure her formula. 

Apple Banana Smoothie mightiness endure a petty filling but Soya Milk was added instead of Milk. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 satisfying together with tummy-filling smoothie for weight-watchers. 

The 2nd workshop started with Ms. Monitar Tan (Naturopath together with Health Educator) delving into the mutual causes of Eczema, a mutual term that describes the inflammation of skin; Acne, Hives together with Athlete's foot. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 balanced diet is essential to curb all these. 

Ms. Monitar Tan together with then shared her hush-hush recipe to remedy those pare attention issues. Being a Naturopathic, she believes inward everything natural, where ane could fifty-fifty DIY his/her ain pare attention remedies. In the DIY session, she demonstrated the painstaking agency to laid upwards Nutmeg-Lemongrass infused base of operations crude oil via double boiling method. 

All meals were prepared past times the resort together with bill of fare was carefully selected past times the specialists. Only vegetarian meals volition endure served during the 2 solar daytime ane nighttime camp. Unfortunately, almost dishes prepared past times The Lost Paradise Resort were veering towards the salty side. 

If y'all mean value the Retreat Camp is a classroom-like camp, y'all mightiness desire to rethink. Participants partook inward a fun-filled contest past times guessing Heads or Tails. Winners of the solar daytime won themselves around healthcare products from Blackmores.

Workshop Three conducted past times Ms. Jeannie Kwa (Naturopath together with Health Educator) stressed on the importance of exercise. It is apparent that earlier y'all desire to play the game (hereby refers to dieting), y'all should sympathize the rules of the game. She gave the participants a adept insight on what are the things that influence the body's metabolism together with calculation on Body Mass Index (BMI). The session continued with a uncomplicated stretching session, nether Ms. Jeannie Kwa's guidance; around uncomplicated ones that almost portion workers tin produce inward their offices.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 petty "zen" instant for the participants equally they were given around fourth dimension together with absolute quiet to pull a motion-picture demonstrate from their inner ticker using their non-dominance hands. We were told that equally such, participants volition endure able to limited themselves unconsciously.

The solar daytime together with then ended with a grouping sharing on how to accept a adept nighttime slumber equally good equally around calorie-free exercise to promote character sleep.

*p/s: I didn't actually similar to endure read/ analyzed past times others therefore i randomly drew something together with managed to slipped off past times drawing a crap*

The adjacent solar daytime arrived sooner than expected. We had an awesome session where nosotros larn to house our Yoga mats on a platform, overlooking the entire Tanjung Bungah beach. We also had a basic Yoga lesson guided past times Ms. Jeannie Kwa. It was my virgin Yoga sense together with I sprained my arm *clap clap*. 

Workshop Four started shortly afterwards breakfast together with Ms. Alyssa Ng shared with us around techniques to ready ourselves smarter past times indulging the right nutrient (natural encephalon builders similar Nuts, Fruits, Vegetables etc). It was also fascinating to know that lack of anti-oxidants causes aging of brain

The final workshop had Ms. Monitar Tan to percentage her sense on Aromatherapy; the types of Essential Oils available inward the marketplace together with their beneficial properties. The session ended with a uncomplicated DIY demonstration together with a quick do on how to massage appropriately. Participants were asked to rub their partner's mitt using Essential Oil. The participants concluded the 2 solar daytime 1 nighttime Blackmores Retreat Camp with a grouping photograph session.