Thursday 25 March 2004

Love Nutrient [Travel/ Nutrient Guide] Itinerary To Langkawi (兰卡威), Kedah (吉打).

One of the famous as well as most visited islands inwards Kedah- Langkawi, is known for its tourism as well as duty-free status. Alcohols, Cigarettes as well as Chocolates are typically tax-free inwards Langkawi (there are to a greater extent than of course), making it 1 of the most attractive reasons to see the tropical island. Langkawi is also a melting pot for culture- non exclusively the Malaysian civilisation but the international dining scene is getting to a greater extent than as well as to a greater extent than exciting here. There are quite a handful of practiced cafes to hunt for apart from getting your alcohol/ chocolate supplies as well as outdoor activities. Getting to Langkawi from Penang tin survive quite slowly as well as convenient, travelers may opt to induce got the speed boat from Swettenham Pier Penang straight to the Jetty Point at Kuah Town or wing inwards from Penang to Langkawi International Airport

Eagle Square at Kuah Town

To learn around the island, it is strongly recommended that yous rent for a auto or at least, motorcycle. The world shipping organisation is weak as well as the taxis tend to overcharge thus it is definitely wiser to drive. Car hire companies tin survive easily constitute at Langkawi International Airport or the Jetty Point at Kuah Town. We hired a Suzuki SX4 for 2 days, at Rm 140 nett (excluding deposit). 

1) Seashells Chenang [Recommended]
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Address: Laman Padi, Jalan Pantai Cenang, Mukim Kedawang, 07100, Langkawi, Kedah.
Business Hours: 12 pm to 10:30 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 604- 955 3582

Nasi Kukus Ayam Kampung (2 pax/ Rm 45)

ABC/ Ice Kacang (Rm 5.50)

One demand non to move far to Bali (Indonesia) precisely to savour the serene dining atmosphere; Seashells Chenang is 1 of its sort inwards Langkawi that offers paddy champaign view. Visitors tin opt to dine inwards at the eating theatre that offers the rice paddy sentiment or to learn nearer to nature yesteryear dining inwards at 1 of the huts surrounded yesteryear the paddy field. Not exclusively that it offers breath-taking sentiment as well as spectacular dining experience, the Malaysian cuisine offered is non shabby at all. 

Although in that location are exclusively four types of dishes (Nasi Kukus amongst diverse types of meat- Beef/ Chicken/ Duck/ Lamb) available but every fix comes amongst generous amount of sides. The serving portion for 2 diners could easily represent three diners; the olfactory belongings of the steamed rice was alluring, amongst traces of Kaffir Lime leaves, Ginger as well as Shalot Oil seen. The Rendang was every bit delectable, though the marination of the Chicken could survive bolder. The Rendang-sauce was rich as well as boldly flavored; but the Sambal stole the limelight. The 2 chili dips were lip-burning silent addictive; nosotros had a fair part together amongst the crunchy greens. To fight the sultry tropical heat, it's ever wise to cool downwards amongst a bowl of Ice Kacang/ ABC. 

2) Smiling Buffalo Cafe [Recommended]
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Address: 965, Kuala Cenang, 07000, Langkawi, Kedah.
Business Hours: 8 am to half-dozen pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 6017- 364 3319

Eggs poached inwards Tomato Sauce amongst sliced Sausages (Rm 20)

Pancakes served amongst Banana as well as Gula Melaka (Rm 13)

Visiting Smiling Buffalo Cafe is non easy, the cafe is shielded yesteryear greens. The narrow, winding route to the cafe is non for the faint-hearted but in 1 lawsuit yous induce got made your means there, yous volition survive welcomed yesteryear a wide, calm, piece of dry soil covered inwards greens. The cafe is housed nether 1 of the huts, amongst kokosnoot trees as well as greenery encircling the cafe. Visitors volition uncovering this a neat spot to read a majority piece enjoying the music of the nature generated yesteryear the soft breeze that blows across the paddy field.

Smiling Buffalo Cafe has a small-scale carte du jour that offers Western dishes amongst a Malaysian touch. One of their best sellers- Eggs poached inwards Tomato sauce amongst Chicken Sausages was delicious. It was served to us pipage hot amongst an Egg swimming inwards the Tomato sauce. amongst traces of Tomatoes, Onions as well as Chicken Sausages. The flavors were well-balanced (not as good sour nor sweet) as well as the Sausages provided some meaty seize amongst teeth to the dish; best enjoyed amongst Toast. For something sweet, the Malaysian-inspired sweetness treat- Pancakes served amongst Banana as well as Gula Melaka powerfulness survive an ideal means to halt the meal. Live Band Performance is available inwards the evenings.

3) The Fat Frog [Recommended]
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: No
Address: 90, East Estate, Jalan Padang Matsirat, 07000, Langkawi, Kedah.
Business Hours: 12 pm to three pm, half-dozen pm to 9:30 pm. Closed on Mondays.
Contact Number: 604- 955 1153

Tomato, Eggplant & Feta Quiche amongst Salad (Rm 20)

[Set Lunch] Tomato Basil Soup

[Set Lunch] Lemongrass Chicken Linguine (Rm 30)

Apple as well as Blackberry Crumble (Rm 12) amongst Vanilla Ice Cream (Rm 4)

If yous are traveling from Kuah Town to Langkawi International Airport (via highway), chances of yous passing yesteryear The Fat Frog are high but yous powerfulness proceed the journeying without noticing its presence. The Fat Frog sits on a loma of a golden course, which has a lush area of light-green surrounding the cafe. When nosotros turned into the parking lot, for a moment, nosotros thought nosotros were straight off teleported to the countryside of Commonwealth of Australia (it certain looks similar a vineyard).

It seems similar the cafe is manned yesteryear expats as well as it offers a uncomplicated carte du jour amongst plenty of home-cooked Western dishes. Notable dishes include Quiche, Pasta as well as Burger. The dejeuner carte du jour amongst a soup, primary course of teaching as well as a coffee/tea offers neat values; the ala-carte carte du jour is also reasonably priced. The Lemongrass Chicken Linguine was toothsome, the Pasta was meticulously seasoned as well as spiced; a acquit on of bird's optic Chilies was added to innovate a sleek spiciness to the dish. The grilled Chicken was every bit succulent, complementing the noodle dish well.

It's non slowly to uncovering a practiced Quiche inwards Malaysia but The Fat Frog nailed it. The pastry pare was light, crispy as well as flaky piece the inner filling was creamy, rich but non overly salted. The uncomplicated Salad amongst Balsamic Vinaigrette cuts through the greasiness of the Quiche. Our palate was refreshed amongst every unmarried seize amongst teeth of the Quiche followed yesteryear the Salad. We completed the repast amongst their Apple as well as Blackberry Crumble, topped amongst a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. 

4) Boat Restaurant (船海鲜) [Not Recommended unless necessary]
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Address: 2013, Jalan Pantai Tengah, Pantai Tengah, 07000, Langkawi, Kedah. *opposite to The Holiday Villa at Pantai Tengah*
Business Hours: 12 pm to 10:45 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 6012- 976 9813

Char Hor Fun (Rm 6/ small)

Gong Bao Squid (Rm 20/ medium)

Claypot Chicken (Rm 12/ small)

Stir Fried Beef amongst Ginger as well as Spring Onions (Rm 15/ small)

Stir Fried Mix Vegetables (Rm 10/ small)

If yous induce got traditional Chinese gustation buds, yous powerfulness uncovering a difficult fourth dimension inwards Langkawi. There are exclusively a handful of Chinese restaurants exterior of Kuah Town as well as Boat Restaurant is 1 of the highly commendable ones (by netizens). It powerfulness induce got served some of the best Chinese dishes inwards Langkawi but according to our standards... nosotros beg to differ. We were outset impressed yesteryear the multifariousness offered but unfortunately, none of them were impressive.

Koay Teow was used on the Char Hor Fun as well as it lacked the quintessential "wok hei", nosotros induce got tried bespeak for Sambal Belacan but to no avail (question: don't the Langkawians swallow their Char Hor Fun amongst Sambal Belacan?). We had high expectations on the Gong Bao Squid (given that it is an isle amongst rich supplies of Seafood) but again, it was a allow down. The Squid was fresh but the sauce was a neat disappointment. It was a sauce only made upward of Tomato Ketchup, the advert of Gong Bao was a misnomer. The Claypot Chicken as well as Stir Fried Beef were every bit uninspiring. This is unfortunately 1 of the worst meals nosotros had inwards Langkawi. But again, it powerfulness non survive that bad yesteryear Langkawi's standards but it did non run across our expectations. Try exclusively if yous are longing for Chinese food.

5) Jala Restaurant @ The Andaman Resort [Recommended]
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: No
Address: The Andaman Resort, Jalan Teluk Datai, 070000, Langkawi, Kedah.
Business Hours: half-dozen pm to 10:30 pm. Closed on Mondays.
Contact Number: 604- 959 1088

Seafood Salad (Rm 48)

Octopus (Rm 52)

Grilled Golden Pomfret (Rm 35.50 per 100 grams) as well as Steamed Grouper (Rm 32 per 100 grams) amongst loose side dishes

Exotic Fruits inwards dissimilar texture (Rm 40)

Black Forest (Rm 40)

Perched along the long-crescent Datai Bay (also recognized as the ninth best beach inwards the Blue Planet by National Geographic) at the Northwest tip of Langkawi Island as well as well-hidden inwards the tropical pelting forest, The Andaman Resort is 1 of the best luxurious resorts inwards Langkawi. It's in-house eating theatre Jala offers breath-taking panoramic sentiment for its diners; similar whatsoever other beachfront restaurants or bars, yous tin relax as well as savour the soothing body of body of water breeze complemented yesteryear the sunset scenes piece savoring the restaurant's finest offering. With a advert similar "Jala" (refers to line-fishing internet inwards Malay), 1 would hold off the eating theatre to offering an incredible Seafood-dedicated menu.

The airy cafe has a relaxed atmosphere, amongst tables as well as chairs on the beach, allowing guests to boot dorsum as well as relax amongst toes inwards the sand, thus visiting the eating theatre inwards smart casual would survive wise. The prices commemorate amongst the top-notch service as well as the setting are of highest standards (although the setup was on sandy floor). The wise spenders would survive glad to know that CIMB as well as Citibank Credit Card holders are entitled for 40% discounts on all nutrient (excluding alcoholic drinks).

We had Golden Pomfret as well as Grouper amongst the sometime fish grilled as well as the latter 1 steamed. four types of side dishes volition survive served, loose to every companionship of fish. The Golden Pomfret was nicely grilled- crispy pare amongst smoothen as well as soft texture. Steamed Grouper was every bit good, if non better. The meat was theatre as well as the fish crude complemented everything well. We'd recommend taking fishes amongst at to the lowest degree 1 kg as well as above, for meliorate texture as well as higher fatty content. The seasoning was minimal but diners whom prefer bolder flavors could inquire for their home-made dips. Amongst the dips, the Langkawi Green Chili is preferred but heed you, it powerfulness learn out a lip-burning sensation. 

We seat a consummate total halt to the repast yesteryear having their beautifully crafted desserts. The Black Forest has got an attractive Mushroom (Strawberry Mousse on top as well as White Chocolate amongst Lemon Curd filling as the Mushroom stem) sitting on the log, together amongst some Sponge as well as Cherry-Strawberry Ice Cream.

Great food, spectacular sentiment as well as unique dining experience... making the one-hour displace from Kuah Town worthwhile! 

6) Night Market @ Padang Matsirat
Address: Kampung Padang Matsirat, Beras Terbakar, 07000, Langkawi, Kedah.
Business Hours: half-dozen pm to 10 pm. Opens on Sundays only.
*Opposite to the schoolhouse at Padang Matsirat*
Direction: From the nearest roundabout from Langkawi International Airport, induce got the route to Beras Terbakar as well as learn straight (even if yous induce got hitting the outset traffic light, maintain going straight). You volition uncovering a schoolhouse on your left as well as the nighttime marketplace on your correct shortly. This nighttime marketplace exclusively opens on Sundays.

Fresh Fruits

Nasi Kandar



Fresh fishes on sale

Putu Buluh

One of the ways to sense the local civilisation would survive to see a local market. On every Dominicus evening, brand your means to Padang Matsirat, a brusque v infinitesimal displace from Langkawi International Airport volition dry soil yous at Padang Matsirat's Night Market. It isn't a nighttime marketplace amongst neat scale but practiced plenty to uncovering everything there, ranging from the local must eats to fresh local create as well as freshest pick out grip of from the sea. Budget watchers should definitely hitting this identify as yous powerfulness halt upward buying your dinner as inexpensive as Rm 2.50.

If yous are renting a car, we'd recommend yous to commons your auto at the schoolhouse contrary to the nighttime market. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fee or Rm 1 volition survive charged. 

Have Fun as well as Travel Safe inwards Langkawi!