Tuesday 23 March 2004

Love Nutrient Sin Seh Kai Artisan Bakery @ Novel Globe Park, Georgetown, Penang.

The Baking Garage (at Lembah Permai) is non new, inwards fact, nosotros bring been wondering if they would motion their line of piece of job organisation operations nearer to primal Georgetown... in addition to nosotros are glad they did! Not solely running equally a bakery, the novel branch at New World Park (known equally Sin Seh Kai Artisan Bakery) truly offers a seemingly impressive brunch menu. The kitchen closes at 2:30 pm in addition to past times then, solely low-cal snacks shall move served (no heavy menu), hence innovation your fourth dimension accordingly. It's tardily to honour Sin Seh Kai, the identify is covered inwards transparent spectacles amongst an open-kitchen, land the other side of the cafe is dedicated for diners dining-in the cafe. The setup is uncomplicated in addition to straight-forward but the existent line component is the broad make of home-made Pastries in addition to artisan bread.

Trio Cheese & Turkey Ham (Rm 22)

Banh Mi Sandwich (Rm 18)

The sandwich-dedicated bill of fare has quite a few choices but non all are great. The Trio Cheese & Turkey Ham has a serving of soft-pillowy Scrambled Egg, iii slices of Turkey Ham, two slices of Toast, to a greater extent than or less pickles in addition to to a greater extent than or less Cheese. The Scrambled Egg was cooked to the correct texture in addition to the Cheese offered the de-rigueur component land the toast amongst Walnut provided the nutty crunch... quite a balanced in addition to well-thought out dish. On the contrary, the Banh Mi Sandwich did non hitting our expectation. The Baguette lightly spread amongst Pesto sauce was practiced on its ain but the disappointment was the beef patty... which carried a peculiar stench. We wondered what went incorrect amongst that... freshness perhaps? Also, nosotros idea Rm xviii was quite a hefty cost tag for a Banh Mi.

Breakfast Set (2 slices of staff of life in addition to Soft Boiled Eggs/ Rm 5.90)

Almond Croissant (Rm 4.30) in addition to Pain gold Chocolat (Rm 4.30)

Cranberry Walnut Banhmi (Rm 3.80)

Gula Melaka Cheese Cake (Rm 12) in addition to Early Grey Tea (Rm 3.80)

For a low-cal afternoon tea, nosotros had their Set which consists of two pieces of staff of life (white bread, wholemeal or sourdough) served amongst either Kaya or home-made Peanut Butter in addition to Soft Boiled Eggs. We were amazed past times the crispy-crusty staff of life but the Peanut Butter was a niggling disappointing. It barely registered whatever sweetness in addition to the peanut-flavor did non shine. Kaya on the other hand, fared improve amongst a bold eggy aroma.

The Almond Croissant was spectacular, non solely that the crust was flaky, it was delicately buttered in addition to lightly sweetened. To add together a affect of sweetness to the afternoon tea spread, nosotros had their Gula Melaka Cheese Cake... the quintessential caramelized-sweetness was acquaint but it was non equally appealing equally nosotros would bring hoped. 

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: Lot 102-D-5, New World Park, Jalan Burmah, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 7:30 am to 7:30 pm. Closed on Fridays. *Brunch bill of fare available until 2:30 pm only*
Contact Number: 6010- 826 5527