Monday 31 October 2022

Love Nutrient Pelting Garden Bar, Cafe As Well As Eating Seat @ Pulau Tikus, Penang.

Hidden behind a row of store houses at Burmah Road (right side past times side to Bangkok Lane) is a large chemical compound with contemporary decors in addition to design. It has 3 dissimilar parts- a quaint Cafe near to the primary entrance, a retro Bar inwards the middle followed past times a vivid in addition to airy eatery towards the end. It is apparent that they accept seat inwards about efforts to brand the house looks great; massive choices available in addition to thence don't hold upward overwhelmed past times the selection (there are a few alternatives for a goodness cutting of steak!) in addition to they are best at knocking out grilled meats. Rain Garden bets heavily on the weather: at that spot are no air-conditioners in addition to the line element would hold upward their al-fresco garden surrounded past times greens, the stance is farther accompanied past times the urbanized high-rise edifice inwards the vicinity... the stance for sure does non disappoint. This however, may hold upward frustrating for the heat-intolerant if the conditions goes stuffy. While the house is ideal for a beer & chill-session, nosotros thought at that spot could hold upward about minimal family music to dice on the atmosphere to a greater extent than relaxed.

Chicken Caesar Salad (Rm 20.90)

Fish Concasse (Rm 28.90)

Veggie lovers' favorite- Caesar Salad, Rain Garden pairs it with Grilled Chicken. The meat was unbelievably tender in addition to succulent, worked perfectly good with the crunchy greens. The sauce may hold upward a petty creamy for about but it was perfectly fine to larn along with the meat in addition to greens. Fish Concarsee on the other hand, did non stand upward out. It was grilled Dory Fillet, served with tangy Tomato-based sauce. Taste-wise... it was alright but the part could hold upward larger in addition to the dish was non a striking with us. I'd in all likelihood larn for something else for that cost tag. 

It excites us similar a tiddler when nosotros larn to encounter the sizzling pan inwards action, it was covered inwards foil... inwards the shape of a minimum Volcano. The Volcano Beef Sizzling (Rm 35.90) drenched inwards Hot in addition to Spicy Sze Chuan-influenced sauce was delicious, it was expertly seasoned to the correct dot (not overly salted) with a hint of spiciness. In fact, nosotros thought it tin hold upward a dandy dish to larn with Rice. Though nosotros accept asked for Medium Rare but the 2nd it was served to us, they were fully cooked. Despite of that, the meat was silent pleasingly tender in addition to soft to the bite. As much equally nosotros dear the dish, we'd prefer them to serve the entire steak equally a whole... instead of serving them inwards pieces. 

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 6.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 6/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: 282 & 282 A, Jalan Burmah, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 12 pm to 3 am. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 604- 218 9878