Friday 28 October 2022

Love Nutrient Cafe Lagenda @ Campbell Street, Georgetown, Penang.

It is non oft you lot detect authentic traditional Malay delicacies inwards cafes... especially inwards Penang. Should you lot detect yourself stranded inwards Georgetown together with yearning for Malay-Indonesian food... brand your means to Cafe Legenda. Opened for less than one-half a year, Cafe Lagenda is housed inside ane of the onetime shops along Campbell Street. It has an interesting carte du jour that features traditional Malay-eats or Western-Fusion dishes alongside a impact of Oriental. The waiting fourth dimension could live on long... every bit the Chef insists on using fresh ingredients thence you lot could actually gustatory modality the powerful punch of those Herbs together with Spices. The identify is uncomplicated but cozily decorated, though nosotros would prefer the air-conditioners to operate better. The atmosphere is mostly quite relaxed, likely due to the large infinite together with high ceiling. Their endeavor inwards making the dishes to a greater extent than presentable is nigh commendable.

Gado-Gado (Rm 16)

Ikan Bakar Rice Set (Rm 20)

Ayam Penyet Rice Set (Rm 22)

Cafe Lagenda's Rice Set is nigh visually-appealing together with picturesque. Every Rice Set is served alongside a wooden boat-shaped Congkak-like box; those are the condiments together with side dishes to larn alongside the primary (such every bit Winged Beans/ Cucumber/ shredded Omelette). Rice is dyed alongside Butterfly-Pea but the existent depict of the dish would live on their home-made Sambal. It possessed a refreshing tangy-acidic tilt... backed yesteryear a flavorful spicy punch. Both Ikan Bakar together with Ayam Penyet were expertly marinated together with carefully grilled to perfection. Gado-Gado on the other hand, was less-impressive. The sauce did non contend to excite us, the Tempeh was non every bit crispy together with crunchy every bit nosotros hoped either. Also, the Fried items were a tad greasy to our liking.... but the portion was large plenty for the five of us to portion though.

Sago Do-Re-Mi (Rm 6)

Banana Bakar (Rm 8)

Desserts were on the house, Banana Bakar was surprisingly simple; it did non accept us also long to figure out the gustatory modality together with it tasted precisely similar what nosotros stimulate got been expecting. The Bananas were caramelized alongside Palm Sugar together with sprinkled alongside desiccated Coconut, jeweled alongside a scoop of Vanilla Ice Cream. It was overnice but non goodness plenty to wow us. Sago Do Re Mi may live on a lilliputian to a greater extent than unique, 3 differently flavored Sago-cups served alongside Palm Sugar together with Coconut Cream. We enjoyed the texture but non peculiarly overwhelmed yesteryear the taste; the delightful smoky-burnt odor of the Palm Sugar did non smooth together with did non contend to complement the sweetness treat.

Kelaman Roasted Chicken (Rm 22)

Massaman Curry Pasta (Rm 26)

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 6/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: 43, Campbell Street, 10100, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 8 am to eleven pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
Contact Number: 604- 261 2293
Cafe Lagenda Facebook Page