Thursday 19 May 2022

Love Nutrient Salon Du Chocolat @ Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang.

Many chocolate lovers' wishing is hold out answered alongside the novel opening of Salon Du Chocolat at the iconic Festive Square (Ground Floor) of Gurney Paragon Mall. The Hong Kong-based build is non novel for those inwards the know; Salon Du Chocolat is well-known for serving premium as well as fine Chocolate desserts equally good equally their home-made Pralines as well as Chocolate bites. The identify has a minimal soundless elegant interior decor- comfortable as well as snug. Step inwards the cafe as well as your attending volition probable live drawn away yesteryear the 3 Chocolate outflow correct side yesteryear side to the principal entrance where i gets to witness the silky smooth, creamy as well as glistening Chocolate. The sizable bill of fare has many desserts covered but they portion i mutual appearance- heavily slathered yesteryear Chocolate syrup. It tin flame live quite glutted for i to complete a chocolate dessert exclusively on his/her ain as well as thence it is advisable to take in the identify inwards a group... for sharing the guilt; it is non the identify that you lot desire to bring your regular repast fixed but a peachy identify for a cocoa-rific sense to sate your cravings. 

We wanted something fruity as well as and thence nosotros had Pizza Waffle (Rm 20.90), quarter sliced-thick Waffle heavily smeared alongside Cream Cheese as well as jeweled alongside Pineapple, Kiwi as well as Strawberries. No, non Kingdom of Belgium Waffle but the ordinary Waffle instead. It was carefully done- alongside a slight crisp on the edges but swallow it fast lest it turns into a acre of distressing as well as soggy pastry. We opted for Dark Chocolate (Milk Chocolate was the other choice, White Chocolate was non available on our visit)- creamy, rich as well as unexpectedly sweet. It was non cloyingly sweetness but nosotros surely did non aspect that marking of sweetness inwards Dark Chocolate as well as no, no bitter aftertaste. We would also prefer unopen to Almond flakes on the Cream Cheese, for a nuttier as well as not-so-monotonous-bite.

Another to a greater extent than filling option- Salon Cinnamon (Rm 22.90); Banana or Apple (not available on our visit) alongside Cream Cheese as well as Cinnamon, encased inwards the freshly done Crepe. The substantial serving could easily feed 2-3 person. The Crepe was nicely done- neither equally good sparse nor equally good thick, merely at the correct thickness to complement the rich Dark Chocolate shot. Cream Cheese was peachy either, it defies the green serving of Cream Cheese. We could non discern the cheesy flavour but rather, a smooth, comfortable as well as creamy concoction that blends good alongside the Banana as well as Chocolate. However, the dessert may seem equally a misnomer equally at that spot was nary a sense of savor of Cinnamon... close absent; to a greater extent than similar wrapped inwards a green acre of Crepe. 

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 6.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Ambiance: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No

Additional Information:
Address: 163D-1-2, Festive Square, Ground Floor of Gurney Paragon Mall, Persiaran Gurney, 10250, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 10 am to xi pm on Weekdays, 10 am to 12 am on Weekends. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: N/A

 wishing is hold out answered alongside the novel opening of Salon Du Chocolat at the iconic Festive  Love Food Salon Du Chocolat @ Gurney Paragon Mall, Penang.