Thursday 13 May 2021

Love Nutrient G Ball- G Hotel's Trace Organisation Appreciation Dinner 2017

Once a year, G Hotel gathers its draw of piece of job organisation stakeholders inwards a draw of piece of job organisation appreciation nighttime named 'G Ball'. In 2017, the glamorous eve themed 'The Greatest Show' transformed the hotel's grand ballroom into a circus-themed dinner alongside fun-filled game booths that guests tin partake. It was an exclusive eve dedicated to admit too expressing cheers to the hotel's draw of piece of job organisation partners. The ball held on 24 March 2017 was an consequence to retrieve alongside beautiful people around, exciting games to participate, delicious nutrient to savor too nearly importantly, luxurious prizes to move won. The hotel is likewise experienced inwards hosting big scale corporate events too seminars, kindly demand inside at +604- 238 0000 or view the official website at 

Many cheers to G Hotel for hosting us.

Popcorn Parlor

Game Booths

Cocktails too Alcohols for the guests

Fortune Teller

It was a fun-filled eve alongside enough of interactive games for guests to partake. Vouchers tin move won past times participating too winning the games at the game booth. Other interesting setup includes Fortune Telling, Popcorn Parlor too Alcohol counter.

Guests were likewise entertained past times the awe-inspiring Circus performances past times a grouping of European performers equally good equally live-band too Michael-Jackson trip the lite fantastic performances. 

[Appetizer] Flying Fish

[Soup] Juggling Leeks

[Refresh] Magical Ice

[Main Course] Angry Bird

[Dessert] Trapeze Rhubarb

Assorted Chocolate Pralines

The 5-course dinner was meticulously thought-through too expertly crafted. We started alongside a uncomplicated but delectable starter, it was a concoction of Tuna, Mayonnaise too crunchy greens equally good equally juicy Tomatoes. The flavors were straight but the seasoning was topographic point on; it was best paired alongside a drinking glass of White. The adjacent course- 'Juggling Leeks' was non shabby either, it was thick but richly flavored. There was a mellow Garlicky flavor... perfectly served alongside their home-made bread. The master copy course of report was impressive either, the Chicken Thigh was cooked till fork tender alongside a sparse crisp layer of peel spell the sauce provided the quintessential flavors to it. We ended the repast alongside Trapeze Rhubarb, a delightful sweetness Pie (of Rhubarb filling) topped alongside crumbles too served alongside Vanilla Ice Cream. 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 grouping photograph alongside the bloggers