Thursday 17 December 2020

Love Nutrient Xin Fu Wei Dao Cafe (幸福味道糖水小屋) @ Weld Quay, Georgetown, Penang.

The crowd from this nondescript restaurant is to a greater extent than frequently than non made upwards of tourists... whom casually strolling along Weld Quay or afterwards their catch to the clan jetties but create non last frightened yesteryear the unusual crowd. Xin Fu Wei Dao Cafe (幸福味道糖水小屋) is genuinely an restaurant that is friendly fifty-fifty to the locals... y'all volition detect a huge banner hanging exterior promoting its big attain of desserts together with thence naturally those are their specialties. But if y'all wishing to fill upwards up your tummy, they offering locals' favorites- Lam Mee together with Hokkien Mee as well.... together with if y'all are lucky enough, y'all volition also detect the famous Penang Hill Chai Tau Kuih mobile stall in that location as good (only on for certain days... maybe weekends). The dining infinite is a footling snug but y'all volition surprised that business office of it is air-conditioned. Despite serving tourists (their major clientele) mostly, the prices are however real much local-friendly. This is a house that I would honey to accept my casual repast in that location together with goal amongst nourishing Tong Sui

Peach Resin Tong Sui (Rm 3.50)

Bee Koh Moy (Rm 2.50/ solely available on Mondays)

Tau Hua (Rm 2)

Lam Mee (Rm 5/ regular)

Hokkien Mee (Rm 5/ regular)

Loh Bak/ Spring Roll/ Chai Tao Kuih/ Durian Fritter (Rm 9.80 for all these)

While Xin Fu Wei Dao Cafe's Lam Mee together with Hokkien Mee were non actually jaw-droppingly good, they did non disappoint either. The Lam Mee broth carried the essential flavors together with worked perfectly good amongst the lip-burning Sambal Belacan. On the thirst quenchers, the Peach Resin Tong Sui was affordably priced at Rm 3.50 but they did non skimp on the toppings... every spoon of it contained loads of goodies similar Sweet Potatoes, Longan, Dried Jujube, Sago, Ginkgo and Peach Resins. The sum of Ice was only alright as well... at to the lowest degree nosotros did non experience the dessert was watered down. 

If luck is on your side, y'all larn to savor the famous Penang Hill Chai Tau Kuih either... offered yesteryear a mobile stall correct exterior the place. Everything is made to gild together with thence await a footling hold back but it's definitely worth it. The Chai Tau Kuih was unbelievably crunchy on the edges together with creamy inside... the Loh Bak was as delicious together with meaty as well, though I would skip on the Durian Fritter... the batter was likewise thick to our liking. 

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 6/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Business Hours: 12 pm to seven pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
Contact Number: 6016- 454 1721