Wednesday 23 December 2020

Love Nutrient Chao Xuan (潮轩) @ Malay Street, Georgetown, Penang.

While Penang has no shortage of Chinese food, Teo Chew delights however, appear to hold out scarce equally compared to other Chinese communities. Chao Xuan (潮轩) is 1 of the latest additions to Penang's nutrient scene... that specializes inward offering classic Teo Chew delights. Step inward the house as well as y'all volition hold out amazed past times the interior decor.... amongst wooden slice of furniture as well as red-colored traditional Chinese knick-knacks. On the menu, await to run across a multifariousness of Teo Chew dishes as well as snacks; notable highlights include Teo Chew Kuih, braised Meat goodies as well as traditional desserts. While component subdivision is relatively smaller past times standard, the prices are quite budget-friendly either. 

Dry Noodles 干捞面 (Rm 5.90)

Braised Duck 卤鸭 (Rm 6/ small), Braised Tofu 卤豆干 (Rm 1 each) as well as Braised Egg 卤蛋 (Rm 1 each)

Plain Porridge 白粥 (Rm 1)

Steamed Orh Kuih 蒸桃糕 (Rm 3.90)

Chao Xuan's Dry Noodles were something similar to the local Wan Ton mee... topped amongst minced Meat sauce. But the texture was less-satisfying; dissimilar the much-desired al-dente texture, theirs was rather soft (not to the extent that they were soggy though). Equally disappointing was the Steamed Orh Kuih... nosotros idea the texture of the pastry peel could hold out bouncier as well as the filling could hold out ameliorate seasoned. We would prefer the Yam chemical constituent to hold out bolder either. 

The classic combo of Plain Porridge as well as braised goodies was good. The braised Duck was skillfully cooked... tender as well as flavorful. H5N1 compassion they did non serve us whatsoever Chili dip though.

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 6/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: No. 90, Lebuh Melayu, 10100, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: nine am to five pm. Closed on Mondays.
Contact Number: 6012- 561 9171