Saturday 26 December 2020

Love Nutrient Fisherman's Wharf (槟城渔人码头)- Neat Inexpensive Eats @ Karpal Singh Drive, Georgetown, Penang.

Penang is a State blessed alongside myriad of street too hawker food; hawker centers are role of our lives too nosotros are never bored of getting excited to see all these hawker centers! If yous are ane of us or retrieve to indulge inward a slap-up multifariousness of local nutrient (this is the best agency to enjoy authentic too yummy local delights), brand your agency to Fisherman's Wharf.... ane of the largest nutrient courts inward town. The identify is non novel but was late taken over yesteryear a novel administration (since concluding quarter of 2017) too therefore, given a novel appear upwardly to the place. It is instantly to a greater extent than organized, cleaner alongside to a greater extent than nutrient choices  available (Fisherman's Wharf houses to a greater extent than than xl nutrient stalls). The locals' favorites- Curry Mee, Hokkien Mee, Char Koay Kak, Koay Teow Th'ng, Lam Mee, Lor Bak, Bak Kut Teh etc are all in that location but if yous or your guests prefer a fiddling international variety, in that location are Pizza, Shawerma, Burgers, Japanese too Korean dishes equally well. Rest-assured, all items are reasonably priced to the "hawker" criterion too volition non pose a dent on your wallet. It's also worth mentioning that at for certain hours, in that location volition locomote alive band performances.... imagine spending your weekend evenings on slap-up food, chilled Beers too alive performances at the beach front. Ample Free Parking infinite besides if that's your concern.

This postal service is brought to yous yesteryear Fisherman's Wharf.

Baked Crabs (Rm threescore per kg)

Lok-Lok (Rm v for Octopus/ prices vary for unlike products)

Barbecued Stingray (Rm 7/ yesteryear weight)

Curry Fish Head (Rm xxx to 50/ yesteryear weight)

Wild Boar Curry (Rm 15)

Barbecue Platter (Rm 88)

Roasted Pork (Rm 15)

The multifariousness of local dishes volition pose a challenge to the indecisive but if yous produce non know where to receive with, start alongside the comforting ones first... or a simple, addictive nibbles similar crackling Roasted Pork (Sio Bak). Though purists would larn for the classic version, in that location are closed to posh add together ons available... similar topping Roasted Pork on Curry Mee.

Seafood lovers are non forsaken too.... the budget-watchers may see the Lok-Lok stall to enjoy the attain of Lok-Lok offering... served alongside their home-made dips land those alongside deeper pockets could endeavor the baked Crabs... available inward unlike sizes too cost points. Otherwise, the BBQ Platter would satisfy both your meat cravings too seafood desire.

As for those who prefer a Malaysian touch, larn for their Curries available inward the shape of Curry Fish Head or the uncommonly flora Wild Boar but if that's besides heavy for you, the Ikan Bakar- Stingray would fit; either way, it industrial plant perfectly good alongside chilled Beers. 

Pasembur (Rm 9)

Braised Pork Noodles (Rm 14/ serves 2)

Dry Bak Kut Teh (Rm 12/ pax)

Curry Mee alongside Roasted Pork (Rm 8.50)

Fish Fillet Oriental Set (Rm 10.90)

Kung Pao Frog (Rm 9)

Bacon too Chicken Cheese Mushroom Rice (Rm 8)

Tom Yum Noodles alongside Fried Fish (Rm 7)

Roti Tissue (Rm 4)

Kimchi Stew alongside Pork (Rm 10)

Teriyaki Chicken Rice (Rm 10)

Lam Mee (Rm 5)

Lava Cheese Burger (Rm 14)

Pizza Pepperoni (Rm 14/ small)

Shawerma Special (Rm 15)

Black Sweet Vinegar Pork Trotter (Rm 8)

Banana too Coco Cream Pancake (Rm 3.20)

Koay Teow Th'ng (Rm 5)

Deboned Blanched Chicken (Rm 5/ small)

Hokkien Mee (Rm 5/ small)

Penang Lor Mee (Rm 5/ small)

Special Char Koay Kak (Rm 10- Prawns + Squid + Mantis Prawns + Crab Meat + Scallops)

Loh Bak (Rm 2.50)/ Prawn Fritters (Rm 2.50 each)/ Fried Beancurd (Rm two each)

Popiah (Rm 5/ two rolls)

Pie Tee (Rm 6)

Mango Glutinous Rice Balls (Rm 6)

Three-Colored Tau Hua (Rm 5.50)

Fruit Jelly (Rm 2.50)

Huat Kuih/ Kuih Meng Kang (Rm 0.70 each)

Kuih Talam/ Kuih Sago (Rm 0.70 each)

Ice Kacang alongside Ice Cream (Rm 5)

Additional Information:
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Business Hours: 12 noon to 12 midnight. Opens Daily. *certain stalls alone opened upwardly inward the evenings*
Contact Number: N/A