Wednesday 26 May 2004

Love Nutrient [Suggested] Locomote Itinerary To Yilan (宜兰), Taiwan (台湾).

Yilan County (宜兰县), an hour-drive from Taipei City... is booming every bit far every bit tourism is concerned peculiarly after the Hsuehshan Tunnel (雪山隧道) was opened to the route users. Travelers tin give the sack at nowadays go to Yilan County alongside a breeze in addition to it is at nowadays 1 of the pop choices for a one-day trip from Taipei. The county northeastern of Taiwan is famed for its natural landscape, along alongside countryside views. It is non every bit busy every bit compared to the cities but non every bit deadening every bit rural areas. There are enough of interesting places to see in addition to of course, many exotic foods to try; precisely to cry a few- Cherry Duck, Three-Star Spring Onions, Dried Duck are some specialties native to Yilan County. Getting to Yilan County is easy, you lot tin give the sack either opt to stimulate got a coach from Taipei Intercity Bus Terminal (Gate xiii or 14) or stimulate got the develop from Taipei Railway Station that volition direct dry ground you lot at the Luodong Train Station

*This postal service is brought to you lot yesteryear Taiwan Tourism Bureau (台湾观光局)*
*Special Thanks to mainland People's Republic of China Airlines for making the trip happened*

We were at that topographic point for a one-day trip in addition to thus, unable to see many places. If you lot are planning to make the same, you lot may refer the below places every bit a guide to programme your itinerary. 

1) Jimmy Park (几米广场)
Address: 1, Guangfu Road, Yilan Country, Taiwan (宜兰县宜兰市和睦里光复路1号).
Business Hours: 24 hours/ day. Opens Daily.
Admission: Free/ Open to the Public.

H5N1 house non to last missed yesteryear fans of Jimmy Liao (a famous Taiwanese illustrator), the Jimmy Park was opened inwards 2013 in addition to has since, lured countless of visitors. One tin give the sack uncovering many life-sized models of the cartoon characters inwards the common in addition to it is most suitable for children in addition to adults-alike. The common is also surrounded yesteryear greens in addition to if the weather condition permits, it is best that 1 could stimulate got a leisure stroll to a greater extent than or less the common in addition to relax. 

2) Memorial Hall of Founding of Yilan Administration (宜兰设治纪念馆)
Address: 260, 
Business Hours: ix am to five pm, every Tuesday to Sunday. Closed on Mondays in addition to the final twenty-four lx minutes catamenia in addition to evening of the month.
Contact Number: +886 (03) 9326 664
Admission: NTD $30 per person

Yilan County has long history since the Qing Dynasty in addition to Japanese-occupation era. The Memorial Hall of Founding of Yilan Administration is 1 of the best places to sympathise the history in addition to the formation of Yilan township. Step inwards the vicinity in addition to you lot volition last straight off transported to Japan, the edifice itself is a well-preserved Japanese household alongside beautiful garden. Inside, 1 gets to encounter the onetime construction of Japanese houses in addition to how the Japanese used to alive inwards Yilan. The house is really suitable for portraiture photographs too.

3) LINK Taiwan- 麟のLINK手创料理
Address: No. 58-2, Taishan Road, Yilan County, Taiwan (宜兰市泰山路58-2号).
Business Hours:Lunch in addition to Dinner. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: +886 (03) 9368 658

[序曲]- Pomelo Vinegar, Rose Chicken in addition to Dried Duck

[滋润]- Braised Chicken Soup

[绿地]- Teriyaki Fish served alongside flavored Glutinous Rice

LINK is 1 of the high-standard restaurants inwards Yilan County, the eatery has won numerous awards. The dining experience was a whole novel experience for us, almost comparable to Michelin-starred restaurants. LINK alone serves a fixed menu, our 8-course luncheon bill of fare costs NTD $1,500 (excluding 10% Service Charge). While the service mightiness non every bit attentive every bit expected but nosotros were blown away yesteryear the nutrient quality. Every course of report was meticulously designed in addition to flawlessly executed. Making a special trip to Yilan County precisely to stimulate got a repast at LINK is definitely worth it.

The commencement appetizer consisted of 3 items- Pomelo Vinegar, smoked Rose Chicken in addition to Dried Duck served alongside raw Mango. It was a mixed-feeling start alongside a petty melancholy (thinking that they could stimulate got served more) in addition to excitement (looking forwards to the next dishes). We so beingness rewarded alongside a bowl of pipage hot Braised Chicken Soup, served atop of some volcano stones for the preservation of heat. The broth was multi-dimensional, it possessed a skillful blend of Seafood sweetness in addition to the Chicken essence, well-complemented alongside premium ingredients such every bit Dried Scallops, Radish, free-range Chicken in addition to Bamboo Fungus etc. The sense of savour was divine in addition to precisely beyond words.

The excitement continued alongside Teriyaki Fish served alongside flavored Glutinous Rice; it variety of reminded us of Unagi Sushi inwards a way. The alluring smell of the obese Comet fish was irresistible, almost akin to Unagi patch the Glutinous Rice was perfectly cooked in addition to reasonably flavored. It possessed the correct texture that again, carried shades of the Japanese Sushi Rice. It was so skillful that nosotros nearly teared, seriously.

[枝芽]- Three Cup Prawn served alongside Gao Zha (膏渣)

[绽放]- Pan Fried Lamb marinated alongside Pineapples in addition to Apples

H5N1 three-cup inspired dish, the Three Cup Prawn served alongside Gao Cha is a clever dish. It uses the Taiwanese national dish- Three Cup Chicken every bit the foundation, Chicken is replaced alongside Prawn; served atop of Gao Zha, a famous traditional delicacy inwards the Yilan County. Making a skillful Gao Zha is non easy, boiled stock must last used inwards lieu of plainly H2O to stir the Rice Flour, hence, introducing a flavorful dimension to the seemingly bland Rice cake. The Rice cake is so beingness deep fried, forming crispy edges outside. 

Our breadbasket spaces were almost filled upwards at this phase but the primary course of report was precisely close to serve. The Pan Fried Lamb was commencement marinated alongside a combination of fresh fruits, maybe every bit a shape of natural meat tenderizer. We were told to relish the dish alongside grilled Chili. Delicious but non mind-blowing. 

[满足]- Rice Congee (糜) alongside Anchovies

[结果]- Almond Dessert alongside Seasonal Fruits

To position a consummate goal to the meal, nosotros had a comforting serving of Rice Congee alongside Deep Fried Anchovies in addition to Almond Dessert alongside Seasonal Fruits. We could non uncovering a describe of Rice inwards the Congee, the Rice was commencement cooked in addition to literally melted inwards the water. It was a mere thick fluid containing the mellow-starchy Rice aroma... complemented alongside the crispy, savory Deep Fried Anchovies. 

Sweet ending was the award-winning Almond Dessert alongside Seasonal Fruits; it was to a greater extent than of Almond Jelly instead of the conventional Almond Soup but the flavors were bold in addition to most comforting. All dishes inwards the course-meal were well-planned in addition to carefully thought through. We were indeed, deeply impressed alongside the scheme in addition to planning. 

4) Luodong Farmers' Alliance (罗东镇农会)
Address: 14, Cangqian Road, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan (宜兰县罗东镇仓前路14号).
Business Hours: ix am to five pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: +886 (03) 9518 667

Soya Milk

Century Eggs

Short walking distance from Luodong Night Market is Luodong Farmers' Alliance, a huge infinite dedicated to beau Luodong farmers inwards displaying their products for sale. There are a broad gain of snacks, gifts ideal to last given every bit souvenirs here. Goods are typically cheaper over hither (considered direct sale). Interested parties may also partake inwards their Tofu Fah in addition to Tofu-making contest, available daily at ix am/ 10:30 am/ 1:30 pm in addition to 3 pm (NTD $ 150 per individual per DIY item/ all ingredients are included); 4 times a twenty-four lx minutes catamenia (duration is 1.5 hours).

5) Luodong Night Market (罗东夜市)
Address: Minquan Road, Luodong Township, Yilan County, Taiwan (罗东镇民权路).
Business Hours: five pm to 12 am. Opens Daily.

Dang Gui Lamb/ 当归羊肉 (NTD $65) in addition to Stinky Tofu/ 臭豆腐 (NTD $40)

One of the most famous Night Markets known to tourist inwards Yilan County is Luodong Night Market. The Night Market is non every bit huge every bit compared to some of the major nighttime markets inwards Taiwan but it is yet comparatively larger than some. While 1 may notice some familiar snacks in addition to local delicacies inwards Luodong Night Market, at that topographic point are a handful of delicacies that are native to Yilan County tin give the sack last institute here. One of such is the Ah-Zao-Pek (阿灶伯)'s Dang Gui Lamb in addition to Stinky Tofu. Visit after than vi pm in addition to you lot volition notice a snaking long queue correct inwards forepart of the stall; securing a topographic point is close to impossible without a long-wait. Business is brisk for take-away though. The Dang Gui Lamb sees paper-thin Lamb slices submerged inwards pipage hot Dang Gui broth; it uses the estrus of the broth to laid upwards the Lamb. As a consequence of that, the Lamb slices are tender patch the meat-juice is locked inside the dish. The Dang Gui season is lite in addition to the dish is most comforting to last eaten peculiarly during a chilly tumble night. 

Their Stinky Tofu may non last favorable to many Stinky Tofu connoisseurs, the season mightiness last a tad also mild but for us who are non inwards favor of the unpleasant odor (also for novel comers whom desire to travail for novelty sake), it mightiness last a skillful option. 

Dragon Phoenix Roll/ 华记龙凤卷 (NTD $20 each)

Three-Star Spring Onions Bun/ 三星葱饼 (NTD $35)

Another highlight of Luodong Night Market is Dragon Phoenix Roll- minced Pork well-wrapped alongside webbed Pork Lard in addition to deep fried till perfection. It was zero out of the ordinary except that the minced meat was brimming alongside the fragrance of Pork Lard... affordably priced at NTD $20 per stick.

Those who visited Yilan County without trying Three-Star Spring Onions should non clam that they stimulate got visited Yilan County. The Three-Star Spring Onions are believe to last sweeter in addition to bigger inwards sizes. One of the delicacies produced yesteryear using the greens is the Spring Onions Bun- generous helping of Three-Star Spring Onions encased inside a Bun in addition to deep fried till perfection. The smell itself was irresistible. This is definitely 1 of the must-haves nosotros reckon... in addition to must last enjoyed patch warm.

Taiwanese Popiah/ 润饼 (NTD $40)

Taiwanese Beef Noodles 川东牛肉面 (NTD $100)

Taiwanese Popiah is a petty dissimilar from Penang's; the Taiwanese eats their Popiah dry out patch nosotros similar ours wet. Jicama is replaced alongside Cabbage in addition to Sprouts patch the Seafood is replaced alongside Pork. The texture in addition to flavors were to a greater extent than or less similar... share seems to last to a greater extent than substantial though. 

We had some other pop item- Taiwanese Beef Noodles at Chuan Dong Restaurant; it was disappointingly average, though the flavors were alright. The noodles were springy in addition to the broth was cleverly flavored, decent but we've had ameliorate 1 at Taoyuan International Airport (Terminal 2).

Have Fun inwards Exploring Yilan County!