Thursday 27 May 2004

Love Nutrient Consume Call @ Noordin Road, Georgetown, Penang.

Eat together with thus Scream sounds similar the ideal example for Eat Scream but nosotros are non also certain whether it's for the practiced or otherwise. The newly opened cafe at Noordin Road, Georgetown offers a hit of Indonesian delights together with a serial of Ice Ganefo (also known equally Popsicle). The identify is build clean amongst unproblematic setting but to a greater extent than than comfortable plenty for a casual meal. It's a cafe dedicated solely to serve a local menu, though at affordable-reasonable cost range, nosotros sentiment Eat Scream's card is rather weak together with they volition need to come upward out amongst something to a greater extent than sturdy to compete amongst its competitors. As far equally place is concerned, Eat Scream tin terminate hold out establish reverse to Noordin Mews at Noordin Road. 

Indonesian Nasi Lemak Rendang Chicken (Rm 13.80)

Indonesian Salad amongst Deep Fried Tofu (Rm 6.80)

Egg Lollies- Crabsticks (Rm 6.80)

Eat Scream poised their Indonesian Nasi Lemak together with the waitress recommended us to endeavour their Rendang Chicken... thus nosotros did. The Nasi Lemak comes inwards a hearty component subdivision amongst huge Chicken Thigh, stir fried Vegetables, halved Hard Boiled Egg amongst home-made Sambal together with topped amongst crispy Anchovies. The Chicken Rendang was good- robust curries amongst tender, succulent meat piece the home-made Sambal adds a hint of spiciness equally good together with a impact of sweetness to the dish (but unfortunately the spiciness was also tame for us here). The rice however, was non equally "lemak" together with deeply fragrant equally nosotros would convey hoped.

Another Indonesian delicacy- Indonesian Salad amongst Deep Fried Tofu was alright but nosotros enjoyed the refreshing compaction of the greens. The Tofu was standard-average but the existent depict was the sauce. It carried an indelible sweetness, non also bad for sharing but would non recommend this for solo-diner. Egg Lollies were disappointingly average though... mere Crabsticks wrapped amongst Fried Egg together with served amongst Takoyaki-Mayonnaise dip. We establish the gustation below par. 

Ice Ganefo Lemak Platter (Rm 5.80)

Eat Scream has been really innovative amongst their Ice Ganefo (otherwise known equally Popsicle) that comes amongst plenty of local flavors. We had their Lemak Platter, which consisted of Red Bean, Mung Bean together with Pulut Hitam; genuinely resembles the qualities of local Tong Sui scene. Unfortunately, they were also mutual frigidness when they were served together with nosotros could non actually gustation the truthful flavors until.... they were melted. They reminded us of Ice Cream Potong except, inwards an icier state. We were also given ii novel flavors to endeavour (on the house)- Honeydew together with Jackfruit-Sweet Corn, nosotros establish the latter season stood out, fifty-fifty ameliorate than those nosotros had inwards the Lemak Platter.

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: 66, Lebuh Noordin, 10300, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: vi pm to 10:30 pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
Contact Number: 6016- 499 8807