Friday 21 May 2004

Love Nutrient [Suggested] Go Itinerary To Taipei (台北), Taiwan (台湾).

The upper-case missive of the alphabet of Republic of China (Taiwan) is Taipei (台北), i of the busiest cities inward Taiwan. The metropolis is homed to some of the biggest corporations as well as trouble organisation centers inward the country; it has a keen nutrient scene with myriad of classic Taiwanese restaurants as well as hipster-trendy eats, a vibrant shopping district that would satisfy whatever shopaholics. The strategic geographical location makes it a keen gateway to sense the Asian culture- traditional Taiwanese culture, influences from China (origins of the Taiwanese), colonization from Nippon as well as the recent upcoming K Pop culture. But as far as wallet is concerned, it is to a greater extent than affordable to pass inward Taiwan than its neighboring countries. The below itinerary covers some of the best places inward Taipei that upholds the nation's civilization as good as to showcase the vibrant-busy social activities available. It's ever wise to banking company fit out Taiwan Tourism Bureau's website inward the aid of itinerary-planning earlier your trip to Taiwan. 

*This postal service is brought to you lot past times Taiwan Tourism Bureau (台湾观光局)*
*Special Thanks to China Airlines (中华航空) for making it happened*

Taipei Arena 台北小巨蛋

Moving around the metropolis is the easiest, at to the lowest degree with other States inward Taiwan. There is a consummate MRT develop scheme around the urban pith as well as all you lot demand is the "Easy Card" to allow you lot to pay for the train/ charabanc fares. The menu tin go purchased at whatever MRT Stations. The "Credits" stored inward the menu tin go used to purchase goods inward those chain convenience stores. If you lot are physically-challenged to walk, taking a cab does non cost a bomb inward Taipei with base of operations fare starts from NTD $70 as well as typically it costs NTD $150-200 i means to attain from a identify to some other (within Taipei City center). Also, New Taiwan Dollar (NTD) is the lawful currency of The Republic of China- Taiwan; coin changers are non mutual inward Taiwan thus for convenience-sake, delight create sure that you lot are carrying sufficient NTD Cash with you lot (many shops inward Taiwan pass upward to conduct hold Credit Card from other countries except for bigger establishments).

1) Taipei 101 Observatory 台北101观景台
Address: 89th Floor No. 7, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Business Hours: ix am to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: +886 (02) 8101 8800
Ticketing Counter/ Entrance: fifth Floor of Taipei 101 Mall.
Direction: Take a develop (Line 2/ Xiangshan Line) to Taipei 101 Station.
Admission: NTD $600 per person

The de-facto landmark as well as the national pride of Taiwan- Taipei 101; the skyscraper was in i trial the tallest edifice inward the footing as well as it is still, i of the tallest buildings inward the footing at present.  No trip to Taiwan is consummate without a catch to the Taipei 101; the edifice houses a shopping mall, piece of occupation suites, restaurants as well as an observatory. Visitors intend to catch the observatory must purchase the tickets at fifth flooring as well as conduct hold the escalator. It is said that the escalator is currently the world's fastest as well as it exclusively takes 49 seconds to attain to the top. 

The observatory at 89th flooring offers breath-taking 360 grade panorama sentiment on the metropolis. It is best that you lot banking company fit the conditions forecast as well as ensure that clear skies are throughout the hateful solar daytime earlier visiting. On our visit, it was drizzling as well as the sentiment was shaded past times the black clouds. 

Taiwanese Mango Cake (NTD $45 per piece)

While touring the observatory on 89th floor, nosotros could non resist the temptation of having a piece of their award-winning Mango Cake. Albeit priced on the higher side, the Mango Cake was delicious. The crust was brimming with the buttery smell sans the greasiness, conduct hold a seize with teeth into the Mango Cake as well as you lot volition go welcomed with a bold, refreshing tropical flavor. The texture was smoother than Pineapple as well, at to the lowest degree the filling was non fibrous as compared to Pineapple. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 keen replacement to the conventional Pineapple Cake.

2) Dihua Street- of Heritage as well as Culture 迪化街大稻埕
Address: 台北市大同区迪化街1段
Direction: Take MRT to Daqiaotou MRT Station (Zhonghe-Xinlu Line) as well as Exit 1

The history of Dihua Street tin go traced dorsum to ii centuries ago, when the identify was in i trial i of the nigh of import fundamental trouble organisation districts- trading of dried Chinese goods as well as traditional Chinese medicine. Fast-forward today, it remains as i of the nigh essential places to purchase or sell those goods. There are enough of old-heritage houses inward the vicinity as well as many of them are silent trading the same business. The Taiwanese typically flock to the identify to stock upward the Chinese New Year's Day goods during festive seasons. Walk around the expanse as well as you lot volition notice all walks of life- from the shadow of busy businessmen to typical housewives bargaining for their purchases, or fifty-fifty believers doing their prayers inward the temple.

Purple Sweet Potatoes-filled Wheel Pies 车轮饼 (NTD $25)

Savory Radish-filled Wheel Pie (NTD $25)

Almond Pudding Dessert 杏仁露 (NTD $40)

Walk around the expanse as well as you lot volition notice some surprises- classic Taiwanese eats. The Wheel Pie was i of them- sugariness or savory filling sandwiched inward a crispy-thin pastry skin. We had both the Sweet Potato as well as Radish; nosotros unanimously agreed that the latter selection stands out more. Few doors away is a stall selling Almond Pudding Dessert but go mindful of the cantankerous proprietor. She was non impressed that the few of us ordered merely i bowl of Almond Pudding Dessert (we merely wanted to sample, non filling upward the stomach) to attempt as well as proceeded to warn us that everyone must club if nosotros were to dine in. We had ours standing correct inward front end of the stall... 

There are enough of goods to hold off for- Dried Sakura Shrimp, Dried Scallops, Dried Shrimps or fifty-fifty snacks similar Bamboo Charcoal Peanuts, air-dried Vegetables, Dried Persimmon etc; thus many that nosotros nearly outburst budget. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 piece of advice- do compare the prices earlier buying; though they may non vary much, some sell at slightly higher rates (ie: NTD $10 more). You could fifty-fifty grapple if you lot are buying inward a keen volume.

3) Raohe Street Night Market 饶河街夜市
Address: Raohe Street, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Business Hours: five am to 12 am. 
Direction: Take Exit five from Songshan MRT Station (Green Line 3)

The black life inward Taipei is rattling exciting, if you lot are ever-ready as well as conduct hold the liberate energy to store until the final minute; attempt your luck at Raohe Street Night Market. It was silent busy although nosotros went belatedly inward the level (around xi pm). It may non go as extensive as compared to some of the Night markets inward Taipei but the long stretch of hawkers are sufficient for you lot to explore. It is note-worthy that the Night Market has quite a publish of Souvenirs on sale as well as prices are typically friendlier than those inward the malls. For those who are keen, there's likewise an erotic adult toy store at Raohe Street Night Market. 

4) Yong He Soya Bean 永和豆浆油条大王
Address: No. 102, Section 2, Fuxing South Road, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Business Hours: 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
Contact Number: +886 (02) 2703 5051
Direction: Between Da'an MRT Station (大安站) as well as Technology Building MRT Station (科技大楼)- Line 4.

Hot Egg-Soya Milk/ 热豆浆加蛋 (NTD $30)

Chinese Crullers wrapped with Biscuit-Roll/ 烧饼油条 (NTD $40)

Sticky Rice Rolls/ 粢饭 (NTD $45)

It's no exaggeration to state that Yong He Soya Milk is i of the famous as well as best Soya Milk providers inward Taiwan. Google as well as you lot volition notice their ranking. We made our means to i of their many branches at Fuxing South Road (opens 24 hours a day) as well as it was packed to the brim! But nosotros did care to secure a topographic point nevertheless. The club counter is forever busy as well as the service is fast. Diners tin opt to relish their Soya Milk sugariness or savory. We idea the Soya Milk was inward a higher identify average but non mind-blowing. We believe the existent depict of Yong He Soya Milk is their Chinese Crullers. The ones nosotros had were perfectly executed sans the greasiness yet maintaining the quintessential crispiness as well as airiness. Another proficient combination to become with Soya Milk would go Stick Rice Rolls- Chinese Crullers as well as Meat Floss well-wrapped inward a Rice "casing"; the texture as well as flavors were amazing. The outer layer was chewy patch the inner filling provides a crisp-savory dimension; best to launder it downwardly with a bowl of warm Soya Milk. 

5) Ri Xing Type Foundry 日星鑄字行
Address: No. 13, Lane 97, Taiyuan Road, Datong District, Taipei City, Taiwan. 台北市太原路97巷13号
Business Hours: ix am to 12 pm; 1:30 pm to six pm on Weekdays; 9:30 am to 12 pm on Saturdays. Closed on Sundays.
Contact Number: +886 (02) 2556 4626
Direction: Exit 1 from Zhongshan MRT Station (中山站) as well as walk for 10 minutes *best to conduct hold cab*.
Admission: Free
Ri Xing Type Foundry Facebook Page

Unlike whatever foundries inward Penang/ Malaysia, Ri Xing specializes inward producing letter-print; it carries an justice publish of 300,000 letters inward total. The trouble organisation was highly sought-after earlier the existence of computers; dorsum as well as thus when paper or media-printing was thus tough that every unmarried missive of the alphabet must go handpicked from the storage. Dis-similarly from English linguistic communication alphabets, the mandarin characters are unique on its ain as well as replication hardly happens. Imagine i were to handpick an article that consists to a greater extent than than 500 unique characters from the shelves with an justice font size of 7-8 Times New Roman (in Microsoft Word). 

With the technology scientific discipline advancement, this manufacture is no longer needed or at least, no longer inward high demand. Ri Xing Foundry has since, opened its doors to the public. The alive museum allows anyone to catch at no cost but at that topographic point are strict rules that i needs to follow- bags are to store at the pocketbook storage correct side past times side to the entrance; non to pick or mess-up with whatever of the letter-prints. It would go impossible to re-arrange the letters in i trial to a greater extent than inward the same manner. If you lot wish, you lot tin likewise custom-made a postage stamp (with your Chinese name) at a cost of less than NTD $300 (assuming 3-4 Chinese characters as well as depending on the font size).

6) SunnyHills Pineapple Cake 微热山丘
Address: No. 1, Alley 4, Lane 36, Section 5, Minsheng East Road, Songshan District, Taipei City, Taiwan. 台北市民生东路5段36巷4弄1号1楼
Business Hours: 10 am to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: +886 (02) 2760 0508
Direction: Take MRT to Zhongxiao Dunhua Station as well as Exit 8. Take Bus 262, 521 or 905 *Taking a cab is recommended.*

Sunny Hills Pineapple Tart with Wulong Tea

Pineapple Juice

What is the best souvenirs to arrive Taiwan? SunnyHills gourmet Pineapple Cakes of course! I'm sure that line sounds familiar to you. The Taiwanese home-grown create has made it to the international platform with branches inward other countries (like Singapore). The humble create started with using wild Pineapples as filling as well as like shooting fish in a barrel fine-tuning, perfecting their recipes for the pastry skin. Wild Pineapples are typically sour thus balancing the flavors were challenging for the squad but SunnyHills has made it. 

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 mutual practise for the natives at SunnyHills- visitors visiting their store volition go served a piece of the Pineapple Cake with a loving cup of Oolong Tea; as an deed of warm hospitality to guests. The pastry peel is lite sans the buttery-greasiness but that does non hateful the buttery smell was compromised. The flavor was there, beautifully complementing the well-balanced sweet-sour Pineapple filling. It was proficient as well as sure keen to go given as souvenirs for your beloved ones (if you lot tin afford). One box of the SunnyHills Pineapple Cake (of 10 pieces) is priced at NTD $420 nett.

7) Taipei Fish Market- Addiction Aquatic Development (上引水产)
Address: 台北市民族东路410巷2弄18号
Business Hours: six am to 12 am. Opens Daily. *restaurant opens at xi am to 12 am, daily.*
Contact Number: +886 (02) 2508 1268
Direction: Exit iii from Xingtian Temple 行天宫站 (Zhonghe-Xinlu Line)

One of the latest tourist spots inward Taipei City is Taipei Fish Market, it houses a moisture Fish Market, a Supermarket (for fresh produce) as well as a few restaurants. Step inward the fish marketplace position as well as you lot volition go at nowadays teleported to Japan; at that topographic point are countless of fresh grab inward the fish market, from the premium Alaskan Crabs to local crabs, imported oysters to local produce; all are carefully managed inward dedicated space. The dejeuner crowd was huge, making it difficult for us to movement around the place. The Sushi Bar saw many patrons, inspecting on the freshest cutting available. Prices are unbelievably friendly over here- premium Toro is selling at NTD $660; it could easily cost over Rm 100 hither inward Malaysia. If you lot wish, you lot tin likewise purchase the goods hither as well as convey them upward to the eating theatre (mostly at 2nd floor) to cook, at additional cost.   

Sashimi Moriawase

Steamed Clams with Spring Onions

Braised Fish with Miso

We settled our dejeuner inward i of the Japanese restaurants, the Set repast for 10 pax costs NTD $8,800 (+ 10%). We went crazily excited over the Sashimi Moriawase with Spot Prawns, Tuna, Salmon, Scallops as well as Salmon Roe with Yamaimo. All were fresh as well as generously sliced; the upshot was a satisfying as well as juicy bite. The Steamed Clams with Spring Onions was non shabby either, the Clams were succulent as well as carefully cooked to the correct doneness; the seafood sweetness was discernible but the highlight of the dish was the broth. The seafood sweetness lingered inward the palate for moments. The next dishes were as delicious as well as none were disappointing. For the toll of NTD $880+ per person, nosotros idea it was rattling reasonable. Do regard the identify if you lot are into seafood.

Spicy Tuna Roll

Seafood Hotpot

8) Daan Forest Park 大安森林公園
Address: No. 1, Section 2, Xinsheng South Road, Da'an District, Taipei City, Taiwan. 台北市大安区新生南路2段1号
Direction: Exit iv at Daan Park MRT Station.

Take a interruption from the bustling urban pith life as well as recharge at the lungs of Taipei- Daan Park (otherwise known as the Hyde Park of Taipei). The city-center ecological commons offers forest-like environment, it's nigh relaxing to conduct hold a leisure tour at the commons as well as relish the natural breeze (if the conditions permits). The commons is equipped with a broad hit of recreational facilities- populace square, music stage, children playground. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 proficient identify to relax as well as calm the soul earlier your hectic journey.

9) Ximending Shopping District 西门町
Address: Baoqing Road, Zhongzheng District, Taipei City, Taiwan.
Direction: Exit six of Ximen MRT Station

Ximending needs no farther introduction, it is similar Myeong-dong to Seoul as well as Shibuya to Tokyo; the shopping district offers all hit of goods, nutrient as well as beverages- from depression cost products to premium goods; all tin go found at Ximending. Ximending is huge as well as spans across few streets correct smack inward Taipei City, visitors volition flock inward as early on as iv pm inward the belatedly afternoon. The identify gathers some of the trendiest eats available inward Taipei City, as good as international fashion apparels (flagship stores). To fully explore Ximending, spare yourself at to the lowest degree one-half a hateful solar daytime hither as well as create sure the tummy is vacant as well as unfilled. 

Ah Zong Mee Sua (NTD $50/ small)

One of the nigh pop places at Ximending is none other than Ah Zong Mee Sua- a gooey noodle-delicacy concoction that consists of Vermicelli Noodles, deep fried Intestines. To enjoy, add together a dash of Chili-Vinegar (to taste) to spice things up. The dish was decent as well as nicely flavored but nosotros did non squall back it was out of the footing good. Luck was on our side that nosotros demand non queue, rumor says that the queue starts as early on as six pm. Visitors visiting Ximending for the starting fourth dimension time mightiness desire to try, at to the lowest degree for the novelty experience. Mind you, it tin go quite substantial as well as filling thus approach with caution. 

Kumquat Lemon Juice with Butterfly Pea Tea (NTD $80)

Flying inward to Taipei (Taoyuan International Airport) from Penang International Airport with China Airlines

Having established for to a greater extent than than 34 years inward Malaysia, China Airlines has earned its reputation for beingness i of the best carriers that flies into Taiwan. China Airlines is likewise Taiwan's flag carrier with headquarter inward Taoyuan International Airport. It is likewise the exclusively selection if Penangites want to wing into Taiwan without airdrome transfers (that would salve you lot hours from the nuisance airdrome transfers). China Airlines currently flies (direct flight/ no stopover) iv times a week, straight from Penang International Airport to Taoyuan International Airport; the carrier has confirmed that it is flying as much as five times a calendar week starting Dec 2016. It is suggested that travelers to purchase tickets as early on as possible to relish ameliorate rates (for airfare).

As opposed to low-cost carrier, China Airlines offers gratuitous xxx kg checked-in luggage as well as in-flight meal/ refreshment. The Boeing 737 has a 3-3 seating scheme as well as of course, offers a to a greater extent than spacious seating environs for travelers. The exclusively downside is the lack of personal in-flight entertainment. Travelers percentage the covert inward front end as well as as far as flexibility is concerned, that is a setback.

China Airlines Penang Town Office:
Address: Unit 9.04, Level 9, Menara PSCI, 39 Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: ix am to six pm. Mondays to Fridays.
Penang China Airlines Facebook Page
Contact Numbers:
(i) Ms. Christene Leong- 604- 227 0229 [Sales/ Group/ Packages Reservation Department]
(ii) Ms. Nicole Lim- 604- 226 1227 [Sales/ Group/ Packages Reservation Department]
(iii) Ms. Pinky Khoo- 604- 229 3227 [Sales/ Group/ Packages Reservation Department]
(iv) Ms. Oh Chew Hong- 604- 228 9227 [Ticketing/ Reservation Department]

Penang Airport Office:
Business Hours: 10 am to seven pm on every Tuesday, Wednesday, Fri as well as Saturday, ix am to five pm on every Monday, Th as well as Sunday.
Contact Numbers:
(i) Ms. Karen Saw- 604- 643 3018
(ii) Ms. Ng Le Yong- 604- 643 1298

Sweet & Sour Fish with Rice

Chicken Carbonara

*Have Fun as well as Travel Safe inward Taipei!*