Tuesday 15 November 2022

Love Nutrient The Lawn Cafe Past Times Eco Basis @ Eco Terraces, Paya Terubong, Penang.

Inspired yesteryear a famous Taiwanese vocaliser Jay Chou's Handwritten Past/ 手写的从前 (a song), the blueprint of The Lawn Cafe is like to the drinking glass cafe shown inwards the song's MV. Similar projects were launched yesteryear Eco World a twain months dorsum inwards JB too KL (The Parque Cafe/ Palladium Cafe). As the industry-leading developer launches its 12.7 acres project- Eco Terraces at Paya Terubong this evening, The Lawn Cafe was introduced to the world either. The aforementioned cafe sits at the lawn expanse of Eco Terraces (behind the Sales Gallery); it adopts the glass-house blueprint alongside transparent spectacles that permit natural lights to overflowing inwards the snug piddling space. The entire infinite is a wonderland yesteryear itself, surrounded yesteryear charming elements such every bit bouquets of flowers, guitar, bicycles etc; perfectly suitable for hipsters to generate Instagram-perfect photos. Visit the cafe inwards the eventide to bask the breeze too alongside a loving cup of Joe, it is indeed a smashing agency to terminate the day.

Many Thanks to Eco World for extending the invitation.

The cafe has express seats too it was packed to the brim on our visit. Do non expression an extensive card from such a snug cafe but a roughly Sandwiches/ Pasta dishes. Nevertheless, if y'all are inwards the mood of grabbing a loving cup of freshly brewed Coffee, it is a keen house to bask both the breath-taking scene too coffee. The Lawn Cafe volition non live on permanently there, it is exclusively a temporary projection (depending on the responses/ like to Palladium Cafe too Parque Cafe); then if y'all remember to take in the place, delight brand certain y'all create then every bit presently every bit possible (The Lawn Cafe is opened upwards to public). 

Dark Chocolate Latte (Rm 14.80)

Summer Fizz (Rm 12.90)

There's a serial of interactive activities that the entire household unit of measurement tin partake (including children-friendly games) alongside a bubble-machine constantly churning out bubbles to thrill visitors too adds a comport upon of fantasy to the wonderland. 

Behind The Lawn Cafe is an empty the world beautifully covered alongside greens. One of the highlights of the upshot was to withdraw maintain Malaysia's famous stand upwards up comedian- Mr. Harith Iskander to perform a 30-minute verbalize show. It was almost entertaining too total alongside surprises. Watch out Eco World Penang's Facebook Page for time to come events too updates. 

Additional Information:
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No
Address: PT 2509, Jalan Paya Terubong, 11060, Paya Terubong, Penang.
Business Hours: 10 am to 8 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 604- 827 5522