Wednesday 30 November 2022

Love Nutrient Steamed Seafood Hot Pot (蒸味鲜) @ Golden Triangle, Relau, Penang.

It is nearly the fourth dimension of the twelvemonth where myriad of shops with bubbling tabletop cauldrons of Chinese goodies are surfacing but a novel tendency is hitting the isle lately; a healthier, guilt-free option. The concept is non novel inward Kuala Lumpur but this detail eating spot at Golden Triangle is the outset to innovate this concept inward Penang: Rice with condiments volition live placed at the bottom of the Hot Pot piece the ingredients volition sit down on top, the essence of the ingredients volition catamenia together with the steam as well as shape the purest, most delicious broth at the bottom. Cook together with the Rice, a lip-smacking serving of Porridge volition live laid upward at the terminate of your meal. The identify is uncomplicated but spacious plenty for a identify unit of measurement or friend gathering, the heat-intolerant volition live glad to know that the eating spot is fully air-conditioned. Don't desire to larn your hands dirty? Fret not, at that spot volition live trained servers to serve you; the cooking fourth dimension has been meticulously tested out as well as should live but perfect to laid upward the ingredients. The only drawback is the express seating (only 10 tables available), advance reservation is strongly recommended to avoid disappointment. 

P/S: There volition live costless steam handling for your confront too! 

New Zealand Scallops (Rm 15)

Kappa (Rm 5/ 100 gm) as well as Flower Clams (Rm 8/ 100 gm)

Prawns (Rm 8/ 100 gm)

Grouper Fish (Rm 15/ small)

Home-made Siew Mai (Rm 4)

Shimeiji Mushrooms (Rm 5) as well as Abalone Slices (Rm 10 for fifteen pieces)

Chicken Thigh (Rm 8)

Pick your preferred hot pot ingredients from a laundry listing of fresh as well as savory Proteins as well as Veggies plus some home-made Dumplings. Everything comes on the side without marination as well as thence yous tin flaming flavor them according to your gustation but we'd similar to piece of occupation on things uncomplicated as well as natural. The ingredients were as well as thence fresh that additional dips were made unnecessary; though some Onions as well as Coriander could farther bring upward the aroma. Fresh Seafood volition live brought inward from Batu Maung at 3 pm daily as well as thence it is advisable to brand a reservation somewhere but about that fourth dimension to secure the (your preferred) freshest grab of the day. We'd recommend Kappa or Flower Clams, both brand slap-up ingredients to the Hot Pot. Tiger Prawns are with the must-orders, they were as well as thence succulent as well as fresh that yous would necessitate more. The seafood-sweetness was as well as thence intense that it lingered on the palate for quite sometime. Another praise-worthy item would live Chicken Thigh; it was really fresh with the addictive chewy-soft texture, I could personally swallow at to the lowest degree 3 Thighs. Freshness was no dubiety an of import chemical cistron hither but nosotros idea the cooking fourth dimension was of slap-up significance equally good as well as nosotros were impressed that 蒸味鲜 had everything timed perfectly.

Scallop Porridge (Rm 5)

Save the best for last, the Scallop Porridge with undercover broth volition unveil i time yous bring finished steaming all the dishes yous ordered. All the essence of the ocean volition live collected as well as formed the key "seasoning" as well as "flavor" of the Porridge. It was brimming with the natural seafood-sweetness, all tin flaming live clearly tasted. Additional dips were unnecessary for us equally the in-depth flavor infused has spoken for itself. In example yous are wondering... at that spot are iv types of Porridge-base available (basically Rice with Dried Seafood ingredients, they volition live cooked equally yous steam the Seafood)- Pork Ribs,Dried Scallops, Dried Squid as well as Dried Oysters. Rm five regardless of the spot out of pax sharing the hot pot. 

Taste: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No

Additional Information:
Address: 29-1-33, Jalan Paya Terubong, Golden Triangle, 11900, Relau, Penang.
Business Hours: five pm to eleven pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 6010- 332 9119

 It is nearly the fourth dimension of the twelvemonth where myriad of shops with bubbling tabletop cauldrons  Love Food Steamed Seafood Hot Pot (蒸味鲜) @ Golden Triangle, Relau, Penang.

Love Nutrient Arte Eatery @ Argyll Road, Georgetown, Penang.

Art galleries practice non only please civilization vultures, sometimes... they tin live on corking places to satisfy the needs of gluttons too. Opened inward early on 2016, Arte is dwelling household to 1 of Penang's corking fine art collections. Daiichi Art Space is the administration companionship behind the paintings too artwork, a branch of Daiichi Modern Art Gallery (Sungai Petani), 1 of the largest someone fine art museums too galleries inward Malaysia. Combine a catch to the fine art gallery too a catch to Arte Restaurant, which offers French amongst Asian-inspired menu. The eating seat is calming, elegant too well-decorated inward shades of white too grey; amongst hand-crafted paintings adorning the walls (the paintings are for sale too). Chef Jay's nutrient is something to yell about, a sublime blend of French too Asian cooking techniques to nowadays the ingredients' vibrant pure flavors. 

Many cheers to Arte Restaurant for hosting us that afternoon.

Pumpkin Soup (Rm 15)

Tomato Soup (Rm 15)

Soup presented amongst an artistic touch, it actually equally delectable equally it looks too smells. The rich yet gently flavored Pumpkin Soup consisted of waves of surprises, accept a quaff too you lot volition live on welcomed past times a creamy, milky texture followed past times a mellow Pumpkin flavor too sweetness. It was non mono-dimensional, bits of Bacon were introduced for the extra chewy, savory touch. 

It may seem slow to imagine how the Tomato Soup would sense of savor similar but 1 would live on surprised past times the robust flavors. The existent joy of eating the dish would live on to swallow together amongst the crunchy greens presented aside- Sundried Tomatoes, fresh Tomatoes amongst singed edges too Zucchini Blossoms. Different combination of Tomato Soup too the sides could practice dissimilar flavors too dimensions. It was similar experimenting the wonders of the palate. Our favorite selection was the singed Tomatoes amongst burned edges which imparted a hint of smokiness to the sweet, acidic too slightly saltish Tomato Soup.

Caesar Salad (Rm 19)

Spring Salad (Rm 18)

Whet upwards the appetite amongst Chef Jay's Caesar Salad, well-tossed too amped amongst crispy bits of savory Parmesan Lace too Bacon equally good equally gooey half-boiled Egg. The dimension was clear too seasonings were concise too spot on, goose egg to a greater extent than too goose egg less. The greens were crisp too fresh. While the Spring Salad does alive upwards to our expectation (all greens were sufficiently-dressed amongst their home-made refreshing tangy too zingy citrus dressing), nosotros idea it was to a greater extent than of a standard-average starter. We were in all probability overwhelmed past times the Caesar Salad.

Duck Confit (Rm 48)

Angus Beef Rib Eye (Rm 135/ 250 grams) served amongst Blue Cheese Sauce

We were pleasantly surprised to uncovering such a beautiful slab of Rib Eye. Little touches are keys to unlock excitements. It's non mutual for restaurants to serve Steak amongst Bone Marrow but Arte Restaurant was too hence serious near their Rib Eye that they took it to the adjacent level. Be surprised past times the complexity too pleasance that the dish could potentially deliver. The meat was expertly cooked amongst edges beautifully seared, wonderfully gamey too rich. It was most tender too juicy to the bite, perfectly paired amongst melt-in-the-mouth Bone Marrow (just similar creamy Butter) too exquisite Blue Cheese Sauce. The Black Garlic highlighted the alluring beefy aroma spell the flecks of Peppercorn refreshed the palate amongst a hint of peppery-sensation. We had no qualms feasting on that gigantuan slab of Rib Eye. One of the best Rib Eyes nosotros stimulate got always had. 

Poultry lovers could opt for their Duck Confit, carefully rendered for hours too served amongst Plum Sauce, Purple Sweet Potato Puree too sauteed Red Cabbage; the peel of the Duck Thigh was perfectly crisp amongst flaky flesh. Our exclusively drawback was the Plum sauce, which nosotros idea the flavors were rather muted. 

Passion Fruit Panna Cotta (Rm 25)

Tiramisu (Rm 25)

If you lot notwithstanding managed to move along your pants buttoned at this stage, larn for their Passion Fruit Panna Cotta. The chilled gelatin-dessert served amongst Passion Fruit was delicious; the Panna Cotta was creamy too delicately sweetened but farther enlivened amongst the refreshing tropical fruit- Passion Fruit. The unappealing Red Wine Pear was non to live on forsaken equally well, the Pear was nicely poached but retaining the quintessential juicy yet theatre bite. It is worth to banking venture annotation that all desserts inward Arte Restaurant are alcohol-free... to cater for immature diners. 

Amuse Bouche- Beet Root Sponge Cake amongst Citrus Cream too Lychee Shooter (Sprite + Apple Cider + Lychee + Salt)

Additional Information:
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: No
Address: 25, Jalan Argyll, 10050, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 12 pm to 2:30 pm, 6:30 pm to 10:30 pm. Closed on Mondays.
Daiichi Art Space visiting hours: 1 pm to half dozen pm, Tuesdays to Sundays.
Contact Number: 604- 251 9718

Love Nutrient Waffle Manufacturing Flora @ Spice Canopy, Bayan Lepas, Penang.

Potentially becoming Bayan Baru area's novel house to be, sPICE Canopy is a row of just-built store houses correct adjacent to the Aquatic Centre of the Subterranean Penang International Convention in addition to Exhibition Centre (sPICE/ formerly known every bit PISA). Waffle Factory is 1 of the starting fourth dimension tenants that quietly moved in; aptly named, the house offers a bill of fare solely dedicated to Kingdom of Belgium Waffles; no savory Waffles unfortunately, only sugariness ones. They rave almost their in-house-made Waffles in addition to Gelati but nosotros idea they bring yet to perfect the recipe. The interior decor is familiar, chic but cozy; the dining hall is spacious in addition to non cramped. With the liberate sheltered Car Park at the basement, this house tin live on a cool hangout location to chill amongst friends. 

Tiramisu Gelato amongst Coffee Waffle (Rm 15.90)

Salted Caramel Gelato amongst Original Waffle (Rm 15.90)

Chocolate Banana amongst Original Waffle (Rm 15.90)

Matcha Gelato amongst Matcha Waffle (Rm 15.90)

Waffle Factory has quite a few options to offering when it comes to their Belgian Waffles. Diners tin opt for Original, Chocolate or Matcha Waffles. Purists should stick to the master rendition but the adventurous may add together a playful twist to your order.... though their flavors tin live on a lilliputian weak to discerned. Some did come upwardly inwards crisp-skin (some did non unfortunately) but nosotros did non quite grip to the inner part... a dry-bread-like texture  in lieu of airy, fluffy-soft. The server explained that Yeast was added but nosotros idea that was something unusual... non the texture that nosotros were seeking for. 

All Gelati however, were made in-house in addition to they were surprisingly delectable. We especially enamored the Matcha in addition to Salted Caramel flavors; the old 1 possessed a rigid but comfortable distinctive vegetal season amongst an agreeable sweetness piece the latter 1 possessed a sweet, smoky Caramel season amongst salty finish; everything was meticulously measured. The remaining flavors were alright, though non specially outstanding.                                                                                                                                                 

Taste: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good) *7.5/10 for the Gelato*
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Ambiance: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No

Additional Information:
Address: 01-25, sPICE Canopy, 108, Jalan Tun medico Awang, 11900, Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Business Hours: 10 am to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 6016- 440 8535