Friday 12 March 2021

Love Nutrient Spread The Chinese Novel Twelvemonth Joy Amongst Shortly Thye Hang (顺泰行) Malaysia

Show your loved ones that you lot attention inward this Chinese New Year's Day past times surprising them alongside attractive gift hampers. The auspicious flavour volition never hold upwards completed without festive goodies, as well as gift hampers are ofttimes some of the best ideas to spread the festive joy. Soon Thye Hang (顺泰行) is i of the best brands to larn your Chinese New Year's Day gifts, the long-established build has bully presence across the patch (more than thirty outlets inward Malaysia). For to a greater extent than than l years, they convey ever been committed inward delivering trusted, relevant as well as premium character products to customers. For this Chinese New Year, Soon Thye Hang (顺泰行) offers value-for-money Chinese New Year's Day gift hampers, starting from RM 338; all hampers are beautifully wrapped to alive upwards to the auspicious theme, representing amend fortunes, luck as well as health inward the upcoming year. 

This transportation is brought to you lot past times Soon Thye Hang Malaysia.

Soon Thye Hang Braised Abalones 红烧吉品罐头鲍鱼 (10 pieces/ RM 86- promo rate) as well as Soon Thye Hang Republic of Chile Abalones 智利罐头鲍鱼 (4 pieces/ RM 110- promo rate)

新年将至,又是送礼佳节;趁着这农历新年为挚爱亲友送上祝福感恩之心,精美手工礼篮绝对是不二之选。在马来西亚有多家分行的顺泰行,五十年来秉持着以信为本的精神为大众提供高级、可靠的海味产品;其信誉更是家喻户晓。在这农历新年,顺泰行这老字号推出了一系列的精美春节礼篮以及上选进口海味;庆贺优惠价从338令吉起跳。除此之外,顺泰行还引进了筵席上品、象征名贵身份的珍贵海味- 鲍鱼;趁着这佳节也推出了一系列的罐头鲍鱼,无论是红烧或盐水,大或小,还是以国家区分都应有尽有。新春饭里加入鲍鱼,“鲍”你过旺年!

Not to hold upwards missed is Soon Thye Hang's Chinese New Year's Day promotion... for canned Abalones. The build offers a broad pick of Abalones from braised to brine, inward unlike sizes as well as toll points. Amongst the province of origins are Japan, Chile, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa as well as Mexico.

Actual Photo on the Product

Each Abalone from the Republic of Chile Abalone is consistent inward size- plump as well as most succulent. They tin hold upwards enjoyed inward diverse ways, whether past times the communal Hot Pot or traditional Chinese New Year's Day dishes; they tin hold upwards as practiced to hold upwards gifted to your loved ones either.

Soon Thye Hang Queensbay Mall Outlet

Additional Information:
Soon Thye Hang's official website:
Soon Thye Hang's Facebook Page: