Wednesday 3 March 2021

Love Nutrient Souper Tang (汤师傅) @ Gurney Plaza, Penang.

Most Malaysians tin relate their diets amongst Soup equally nigh of us growing upward associating amongst Soup thus when the proud Malaysian brand- Souper Tang (汤师傅) opened a novel branch at Gurney Plaza, nosotros were non surprised to run into the long queue of curious gourmands scouting the novel restaurant. Souper Tang is known to offering invigorating Chinese double boiled Soups that are believed to convey medicinal health benefits as well as a multifariousness of wholesome Chinese dishes. Price points are high as well as the service staff lacked proper grooming thus the waiting fourth dimension tin hold upward rather long. Souper Tang is but contrary to Canton-I at 1st flooring of Gurney Plaza.

Souper Tang Signature Soup/ 汤师傅招牌汤-参鸡汤 (Rm 43.90/ ii pax)

Mee Suah amongst Herbs as well as Ginger Wine/ 药材黄酒面线 (Rm 18.90)

Dried Scallops & Petite Abalone Mixed Rice/ 干贝鲍仔烩饭 (Rm 22.90)

Sesame Drunken Chicken served amongst Ginger Paste/ 姜蓉芝麻鸡 (Rm 32.90)

The Souper Tang signature Soup was rather a disappointment, it did non come upward across equally thick as well as rich equally nosotros would accept hoped. But the existent argue that "killed" the soup was the temperature... it was served to us warm as well as non pipage hot. Probably the Cantonese inwards us were equally good detail on this but no, nosotros create non settle amongst warm soup, it must hold upward boiling hot. Also, the flavors were rather mild; in all probability my mom did a meliorate labor for this type of soup.

My parents seemed to relish the Mee Suah amongst Herbs as well as Ginger Wine, the noodles were smoothen as well as beautifully cooked. Though non al-dente but the texture was meliorate as well as firmer than the green local Mee Suah. The flavors were bold, amongst a mellow boozy touch; non equally good shabby but tin hold upward rather monotonous to complete it exclusively on your own. The Dried Scallops & Petite Abalone Mixed Rice on the other hand, fared meliorate inwards comparing amongst the Mee Suah. The starchy, thick Scallop gravy was the mortal to the dish. The flavors were robust as well as concentrated- the amount flavors of the voluptuous Dried Scallops were accentuated, nosotros bet it industrial plant fine amongst whatever other Rice/ Noodles. If 1 affair Souper Tang needs to improve, it would hold upward the texture of the Rice.... it was equally good soft as well as mushy to our liking. 

The Sesame Drunken Chicken was decent, though nosotros did non uncovering a hint of alcohol but the texture as well as marination was brilliant. But nosotros idea the toll was a petty equally good high for that portion. We washed downwards amongst a serving of their home-made Plum Tea, which was absolutely delicious... amongst a balanced medley of sweetness as well as sour notes. 

Beancurd amongst Ginger Caramel/ 焦糖姜汁豆花 (Rm 6.90)

Souper Tang Plum Tea/ 汤师傅酸梅茶 (Rm 14.90)

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 6.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: Yes 6% *prices shown are inclusive of GST*

Additional Information:
Address: Lot No 170-01-31, Gurney Plaza, Persiaran Gurney, 10250, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: xi am to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: N/A