Tuesday 2 March 2021

Love Nutrient Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2018

The 2-day Penang Hot Air Balloon Fiesta 2018 concluded groovy success; for four consecutive years, the annual effect saw presence of to a greater extent than than 100,000 visitors. For 2018, it records 180,000 visitors; the effect was held at Padang Polo on 24 together with 25 Feb 2018, from seven am to 9:30 pm. Not exclusively visitors choke to witness the colorful display of sixteen hot air balloons, they tin partake inwards dissimilar activities such every bit tethered balloon ride, sense the mutual depression temperature inflation, contrary bungee, creative workshops etc; at that topographic point are many exhibitors together with nutrient stalls available every bit well... most similar a mini carnival! 

Some of the Hot Air Balloons

Witness the 'inflation' procedure of the Hot Air Balloons

Tethered Balloon Ride

The tethered balloon ride is a pop activity, tickets tend to live sold out early. 150 tickets were allocated for Earth grouping (not including VIP tickets). We joined the queue for tethered balloon ride at 6:15 pm together with exclusively managed to ride at 7:30 pm, together with hence produce innovation accordingly. The ride brought us to 50-60 feet high (approximately 3-4 floor high) together with the ride lasted for a fiddling less than 10 minutes. If y'all must know, the ticket is priced at RM l nett per pax... non just groovy value but to a greater extent than for the novelty experience.