Friday 17 December 2021

Love Nutrient Shan Dong Bei Chinese Cuisine (膳中国东北小食馆) @ Raja Uda, Butterworth, Penang.

From the rustic flavors from North-East China, Shan Dong Bei Chinese Cuisine has been receiving especial comments on the nutrient lineament but unsatisfactory for the unfriendly in addition to inhospitable services yesteryear the cantankerous proprietor (or servers). While nosotros create grip on the disceptation (service could live on farther improved), nosotros idea the nutrient was beyond average in addition to despite the unwelcoming service, the identify is nevertheless worth a second-visit. The Chinese eating seat operates at the novel Butterworth Business Center along Jalan Raja Uda, ensconced on starting fourth dimension flooring of the edifice (above Yes Yogurt). The eating seat offers a large bill of fare with many sweetness in addition to savory dishes ensures everyone volition notice something to tickle their gustation buds; their home-made Dumplings are alongside the must-try items. 

Cold in addition to Dressed Cucumber Salad/ 凉拌黄瓜 (Rm 8.90)

Boiled Shrimp in addition to Mushroom Dumplings/ 水煮虾仁香菇饺子 (Rm 8.90 for 5)

Pan Fried Spicy Chicken Dumplings/ 辣味鸡肉煎饺 (Rm 8.90 for 5)

We started the repast with a refreshing serving of Cucumber Salad, the mutual frigidity dish was nicely done, the Soy Sauce carried a sleek sweetness but the existent depict of the dish was the generous sum of mashed Garlic, which gives the dish a pungent but addictive flavor. For those who prefer a tinge of acidity could likewise add together inward the Zhen Jiang Black Vinegar; for a to a greater extent than authentic touch. 

Dumplings are non forsaken, nosotros had both Steamed in addition to Fried ones; we'd prefer the quondam version equally their Pan Fried Dumplings were rather greasy. Both choices were peachy but we'd prefer Spicy Chicken Dumplings. The give-and-take "spicy" could live on a misnomer, Capsicum was used inward lieu of the commons Chilies thus the rut was subdued but inward return, a crunchy in addition to sweetness dimension. We had ours with julienned Ginger in addition to Black Vinegar equally dip. 

Dong Bei Noodles/ 东北拌面 (Rm 10.90)

Sesame Bun/ 黑芝麻馅饼 (Rm 5.50)

Tummy-filler was their signature Dong Bei Noodles, served with Minced Pork in addition to crunchy diced Cucumber. The existent person to the dish was the Minced Pork- delicately seasoned correct on the point piece the noodles were carefully cooked to the correct texture. The Cucumber on the other hand, introduced to a greater extent than or less other crunchy-juicy dimension to the dish; fifty-fifty improve to instruct with their smoky Chili paste. We ended the repast with a memorable sweetness treat- Sesame Bun. The Bun was served to us scorching hot; apply pressure level in addition to you lot volition notice the molten Sesame filling oozes out from the bun. The crust was nicely done- sparse with a tawny crisp piece the filling was carefully sweetened; it was jaw-droppingly good.

Taste: 8/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 5.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: Yes 5%
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: 1st Floor of No. 3A, Butterworth Business City Centre, Jalan Raja Uda, 12300, Butterworth, Penang.
Business Hours: 11:30 am to 4:30 pm; 5:30 pm to 10 pm. Closed on 2nd & quaternary Wednesdays of the Month.
Contact Number: 604- 323 3763