Wednesday 15 December 2021

Love Nutrient Handy Spoon @ Weld Quay, Georgetown, Penang.

Breakfast is believed to live on the nearly of import repast of the day; a healthy however hearty component of breakfast would live on corking to fuel liberate energy for the day. H5N1 sis eating seat of healthy-house-penang-street">The Leaf Healthy House, Handy Spoon focuses on serving healthy breakfast items to promote healthy-balanced diet, based on the concept of "The Eat Well Guide" where all carbohydrates, protein, fiber together with nutrients are carefully calculated. Handy Spoon uses take-away concept- foods are presented inwards take-away boxes but for those who prefer to dine in, at that topographic point are a few tables together with chairs too. The location's obscure together with concealed for the uninitiated. At Victoria Street (where the original Post Office is located), plough into the minor alley facing the Post Office together with you lot volition honor Handy Spoon soon on your left. 

Chicken Dumpling Noodle (Rm 10.90/ Premium Set)

Handy Wrap (Rm 9.90/ Premium Set)

Handy Pancake (Rm 8.90/ Premium Set)

The card is small, in all probability five items inwards total. Ala-Carte orders are available spell "Set" comes with a drinking glass of Soya Milk together with "Premium Set" comes with a minor serving of Fruit Yogurt together with Soya Milk (or Coffee). Their Handy Wrap left us with the deepest impression- fresh Shitake Mushroom, Chicken Meat, fresh Lettuce, Tomato together with Capsicum carefully wrapped using Tortilla. The seize with teeth was satisfying together with the earthy flavor (from the Shitake) stood out spell the juicy compaction complemented the Chicken Meat well.

If you'd prefer something soupish to warm your day, Chicken Dumpling Noodles may live on your dish. The broth was clear together with brimming with vegetable-sweetness. The Corn-flavor was peculiarly bold together with the soup was lightly-seasoned. Handy Spoon uses Spaghetti inwards lieu of Yellow Noodles/ Vermicelli Noodles... cooked to slightly soft (but non slouchy). The Dumplings were decent but around of us works life them a tad also salty to our liking. Handy Pancake on the other hand, was in all probability the weakest dish alongside all nosotros had that day. The Pancake was dry out together with the Chocolate Sauce did non care to heighten the taste. We struggled to complete the dish. 

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: 24 B, Weld Quay, 10200, Georgetown, Penang.
Business Hours: 8 am to 12 pm. Closed on Mondays.
Contact Number: 6012- 412 1007