Thursday 18 November 2021

Love Nutrient Sloam Mit Thai Eatery (门楼正宗泰式冷气河海鲜) @ Bagan Samak, Kedah.

We made to a greater extent than or less other trip to Bagan Samak latterly (my previous entry close Bagan Samak tin live on constitute here), a hamlet at the edge of Penang in addition to Kedah states. The house is abode to to a greater extent than or less of the best fresh H2O produces in addition to i would live on spoilt for choices. With to a greater extent than than vii restaurants inwards the village, choosing i is i of the toughest decisions ever. We wanted something novel for this circular in addition to hence, made our agency to Sloam Mit Thai Restaurant. The eating theater has a huge facade amongst ample parking space; the bill of fare consists of a vast Thai-influenced selection. Prices are reasonably friendly depending on your orders. 

Direction to Bagan Samak: Take North-South Plus Highway from Autocity-route, proceed driving in addition to leave of absence Bandar Baharu toll. Once out of the toll, pick the showtime left turning (T junction amongst a traffic light), travail for a twosome of minutes in addition to you lot volition discovery the entrance to Bagan Samak village. Follow the long in addition to winding route in addition to you lot volition larn inwards in no time. 

Steamed Marble Goby/ Soon Hock/ 笋壳鱼(Rm 120 per kg/ Rm 144 for our order)

Thai styled Keng Som Tilapia (Rm 35 per kg/ Rm 21 for our order)

Check on the displaying counter on what are the daily fresh produces earlier you lot get upward one's heed on your orders. We had ii extreme fishes- Marble Goby in addition to Tilapia. The old type is crowned to live on i of the most expensive fishes inwards Malaysia piece Tilapia is..... exactly Tilapia. We had our Marble Goby steamed in addition to served amongst premium Soy sauce; the flesh was dangerously addictive, slightly trouble solid but non difficult to the bite. The magical mix of the fish oil in addition to premium Soy sauce was beyond the description of words, absolutely lovely. 

The Tilapia was cooked amongst Keng Som, Thai sour-spicy fish. The dish carried the quintessential acidity but it was non as impressive as nosotros would accept hoped. Flavors were rather soft, likely lacked of the spicy kick. The meat was less-satisfying, albeit no fish stench, the texture was flaky in addition to soft. Not bad for a modify but paled inwards comparing amongst the premium Marble Goby.

Stir Fried Noodles amongst webbed Duck Feet (Rm 30/ large)

Salt-Baked Kampung Chicken (Rm 28 per bird)

Kerabu Chicken Feet (Rm 12)

Stir Fried four Heavenly King amongst Sambal (Rm 13/ small)

The Stir Fried Noodles amongst webbed Duck Feet was jaw-droppingly good- a massive sum of braised webbed Duck Feet coupled amongst springy Egg Noodles. We exactly dear the combination, the sweetness in addition to savory sauce was most delectable; the dish reminded me of Wan Ton Mee (a real proficient one). The webbed Duck Feet was as tasty- beautifully braised to the correct tenderness but maintaining the smoothen in addition to runny texture. Based on our stone oil estimation, at that spot could live on to a greater extent than than twenty webbed Duck Feet served.

Assuaging the guilt was Stir Fried four Heavenly King amongst Sambal in addition to Kerabu Chicken Feet, the old dish was brilliant, amongst extraordinarily appetizing Sambal, though nosotros idea the dish may live on a trivial besides sweet. The latter alternative was to a greater extent than favorable, Chicken Feet was carefully deboned in addition to tossed inwards the tangy Thai Salad. It proved to live on a peachy starter to the ensuing feast. Salt Baked Kampung Chicken was meh... skip this in addition to become for something else. I jurist the house is meant for fresh H2O produces only, definitely non poultry.

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7.5/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Pork Free
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: Pt 3798, Mukim Bagan Samak, 34950, Daerah Bandar Baharu, Kedah.
Business Hours: 11:30 am to 10:30 pm. Closed on alternate Thursdays.
Contact Number: 605- 716 3819