Thursday 12 March 2020

Love Nutrient Hongdae Korean Bbq @ Novel Earth Park, Georgetown, Penang.

If y'all are quondam plenty to accept heard of the name- Bee Won Korean Restaurant, y'all likely accept an sentiment on the restaurant's background. With the ever-growing popularity on Korean food, the eating seat has of late opened upwardly a novel Korean BBQ house at New World Park. The setting is pretty much Korean roadside barbecue setting, amongst stainless steel tables in addition to grills. The heat-intolerant would endure less-excited to know that the house is non air-conditioned but if y'all are game for an al-fresco barbecue dining experience, this is the type of setting that y'all are looking for. Apart from the quintessential Korean barbecue items in addition to alcohols (like Soju), the house offers a broad diversity of Korean delights. It opens for dejeuner as good in addition to then if y'all are inwards the mood for a casual Korean fix, y'all tin move driblet past times for a quick meal. The prices are pretty much Korean-restaurant criterion but the character remains consistent (you would know if were a Bee Won customer). 

Naeng Myeon/ Korean Cold Buckwheat Noodles (Rm 21)

Tteokbokki/ Stir Fried Korean Rice Cake (Rm 20)

Dolsot Bibimbap/ Korean Mixed Rice (Rm 20)

Being a huge fan of the Korean Cold Buckwheat Noodles, I tend to social club this dish at around Korean restaurants. Hongdae's rendition was i of the closest to the i I had inwards Korea. The H2O ice was non the criterion H2O ice but frozen using flavored broth in addition to then the concoction was to a greater extent than flavorful. The texture of the noodles was merely correct in addition to the dish gets all boxes ticked. It would endure perfect if they tin move increase the acidity. If y'all are ordering this dish, ever inquire for Hot Mustard or Wasabi, they teach good amongst the noodles. 

Hongdae's Tteokbokki was as delicious. The texture of the Rice Cake was chewy to my liking in addition to the sauce was at its perfect consistency. I hatred watery sauce that could non fifty-fifty cling to the Rice Cake. Hongdae's was thick plenty to create the miracle, though about would fighting that it may endure a tad also sugariness (and hot).


Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Ambiance: 6.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: Yes 10%
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Address: Lot 102-A-1, New World Park, Jalan Burmah, 10250, Georgetown, Penang (next to Haven Harbor at New World Park).
Business Hours: 10 am to three pm, half-dozen pm to 10 pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 604- 228 1789