Sunday 6 May 2007

Love Nutrient Java Downstairs @ China Street, Georgetown, Penang.

Coffee Downstairs is definitely a cool spot for java as well as sugariness process lovers, the classics are available but they bring a make of hipster java on offer... including Sour Vide Coffee or Nitro Black Kombucha or perhaps, simply about peculiar combination that y'all could hardly imagine. While it does serve simply about sweets (like Brownies as well as sugariness Croissants), it does non serve whatever mains. While the confined infinite is rather comfortable as well as cozy, it does non arrange large groups, at that topographic point are exclusively a few long tables as well as in all likelihood could topographic point less than fifteen pax inwards total. Worth checking out if y'all game for simply about sugariness treats over a playful loving cup of Joe. 

75% Dark Chocolate Brownie (Rm 7)

Salted Egg Croissant (Rm 9)

Matcha Cold (Rm 15)

Both Chocolate Brownie as well as Salted Egg Croissant were every bit delicious; the quondam ane has a delightful bitterness next it... alongside a footling crispy transcend as well as gooey-melted Chocolate sandwiching between, the contrast inwards texture highlighted the in-depth, multi-dimensional Chocolate flavor. The home-made Salted Egg Croissant, though non as crispy as nosotros would bring hoped, the Salted Egg filling was toothsome. It has the perfect residuum of sweetness as well as salinity... alongside creamy-rich texture, non besides overpowering or over-killing the flaky French pastry. We washed downward alongside a loving cup of icy mutual depression temperature Matcha.

Taste: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 expensive, 4-7 average, 8-10 cheap)
Service: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 6/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: No

Additional Information:
Business Hours: x am to seven pm. Opens Daily.
Contact Number: 604- 251 9302