Thursday 3 June 2004

Love Nutrient Jia Shi Eating Theater (家式饭店) @ Lembah Permai, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.

One of the easiest ways to divulge goodness local eats is to follow the crowd, particularly when the house is tucked inwards the residential neighborhood or off the track. We were succumbed to the large together with seemingly inviting facade of Jia Shi Restaurant (家式饭店). The Chinese eating seat at Lembah Permai has never failed to attract a non bad crowd particularly during weekends; the card is huge together with has everything that suits all historic current groups. The heat-intolerant tin forcefulness out opt to dine-in at the fully air-conditioned room piece those who prefer a to a greater extent than outdoorsy ambiance could opt to sit down at the al-fresco dining area, facing the serene dark-green park. The service is brisk together with prices are reasonable, we'd definitely honey to provide more- hold upward it a casual household unit of measurement dinner or for a special occasion (with the family).

Stir Fried Egg alongside Shrimp/ 虾仁夹蛋 (Rm 9/ small)

Eggplant Bean Curd/ 茄子豆腐 (Rm 14/ small)

Steamed Grouper Fish/ 清蒸石斑鱼 (Rm 78/ past times weight)

Spices were used modestly here, alongside an emphasis on using the freshest ingredients to convey out the amount flavors. We honey the simplicity of Stir Fried Egg alongside Shrimp- the Prawns carried minimal seasoning but bursty together with succulent texture, blanketed alongside sheets of soft-pillowy Egg; served alongside premium Soy sauce. The soft-boiled Egg alongside Soy sauce is hands downwards the perfect dish to spoon over rice. Egg Plant Bean Curd may appear uncomplicated but the flavors were big. The existent depict of the dish was the bits of Dried Shrimp that underlie the savory seafood essence. 

If you lot are inwards a celebratory mood, campaign bespeak for their daily catch. We had their Steamed Grouper Fish, which was expertly done. The flesh was perfectly steamed alongside a meaty notwithstanding polish texture, perfectly complemented past times the sweetness premium Soy sauce. Other options (on our visit) available were Marble Goby, White Pomfret etc.

Oyster Noodles/ 蚝面 (Rm 7/ small)

Braised Noodles alongside Prawns/ 明虾焖面 (Rm 26/ small)

If rice is non your everyday staple, campaign their Noodle dishes. One of their signatures- Braised Noodles alongside Prawns was delicious. Lightly cooked Yellow Noodles existence stir fried alongside Ginger together with Spring Onions together with then Prawns, the savory noodles carried a sleek seafood sweetness together with irresistible aroma. It was best enjoyed alongside their sweat-inducing Sambal Belacan. 

Another alternative to the Braised Noodles alongside Prawns, campaign their Oyster Noodles. Unlike the conventional version, Jia Shi's comes inwards a dark hue; slightly sweeter than the common version together with carried a bolder nighttime Soy sauce flavor. We'd prefer the common version (without nighttime Soy sauce).

Taste: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Price: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Ambiance: 7.5/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Parking: 7/10 (1-3 bad, 4-7 average, 8-10 good)
Service Charge: No
Government Tax: Yes 6% (prices shown are inclusive of GST)

Additional Information:
Address: Permai 32, No. 2, Lebuh Lembah Permai 4, 11200, Tanjung Bungah, Penang.
Business Hours: xi am to 2:30 pm, 5:30 pm to 10 pm. Closed on Tuesdays.
Contact Number: 604- 898 2797