Friday 9 April 2004

Love Nutrient Inpenang Awards 2017- Recognizing Outstanding Penang People Together With Organizations Yesteryear Chtnetwork

In the test of recognizing to a greater extent than or less of Penang's virtually outstanding organizations that accept worked the extra miles non alone to convey success in addition to honor to their ain organizations but too to brand the lodge in addition to Penang (or Malaysia) a ameliorate place. The INPenang Awards, a brainchild yesteryear CHTNetwork, is formed to recognize in addition to accolade entities/ individuals that accept made extraordinary contributions in addition to supports to the tourism manufacture inwards Penang. The alternative commission meets to nominate in addition to vote on a yearly basis; hospitality, travel, health & beauty, automobile, fashion sectors are with to a greater extent than or less of the sectors considered yesteryear the committee. The significance of the accolade has given opportunities to fundamental players inwards the manufacture to showcase their talents in addition to abilities, unlock novel trace concern opportunities every bit good every bit to encourage competitiveness with the local businesses. Award Winners are carefully selected in addition to they correspond the best of the best inwards their respective industries. INPenang Awards held its third International Edition (2017) on v Feb 2017 at St. Giles Wembley Penang.

Many Thanks to CHTNetwork in addition to Ichi Media for hosting us that evening.

For this year's (2017) award, INPenang Awards recognizes xv entities in addition to organizations for their special contributions. Below is the listing of award-winners:

INPenang Lifetime Achievement Award:
Tan Sri Dato' doc Michael Yeoh Oon Kheng (Co-Founder in addition to CEO of The Asian Strategy & Leadership Instutite [ASLI])

INPenang International Outstanding Achievers Awards:
  • Nicole Chow (Australia/ Managing Director of UAG Group)
  • Chef Walter Lee (Thailand/ CEO of Venturetec Marketing)
  • Bernard Yong (Malaysia/ Vice President of RADO in addition to General Manager of The Swatch Group Malaysia)
  • Dato' Elaine Kang (Malaysia/ Veteran Singer)

INPenang Awards:

Speech yesteryear the mastermind of CHTNetwork- Mr. Ch'ng Huck Theng (Founder of CHTNetwork)

Fashion Show yesteryear Anovia Bridal

The INPenang Awards Trophy is fully sculpted inwards Pewter in addition to designed yesteryear Mr. Ch'ng Huck Theng

State EXCO for Tourism- YB Danny Law was at that spot to grace the event

[Appetizer]- Seared Tuna Nicoise

[Soup]- Light Curried Butternut Veloute

[Palate Cleanser]- Lime Sorbet

[Main]- Chicken Roulade in addition to Grouper

[Dessert]- Tiramisu Twist

H5N1 grouping photograph with the bloggers in addition to besties- [from left] Zac, Eileen, JJ, Ling Tze, Yours Truly, CK, Gibson in addition to Steven

 [From left]- Gibson, Karen, Valyn, Ling Tze, Eileen, JJ, CK, Steven, Yours Truly, Lean Hooi in addition to Zac